Dear Police Scotland,
1) would information disclosure assess that information relating to a warning for a minor offence that has since been weeded from CHS can not be used for disclosure in ORI for any occupation?
2) what is the reason for non disclosure? Is there a time limitation in Law under the rehabilitation of offenders act? Or to disclose is not relative nor proportionate under Police Policy?
3) If the vetting of Police Constables were carried out by information disclosure, whom have knowlage of proportionality, does information disclosure assess that a warning for a minor offence dating more than 5 years should not be used for Police vetting, to do so is not relative nor proportionate in relation to other protected employment.
I appreciate I am asking for a comment of opinion, however this opinion derives from disclosure experts with knowlage of proportionality. Any comment at all is greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Christie
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Mark Taylor left an annotation ()
Ask for the policy regarding weeding.