Walcot Library's lending figures and paid staff input
Dear Swindon Borough Council,
I should be grateful if you would supply me with all comparative data on book lending (book issues) - from 2010 to date - at Walcot Library.
Please also provide comparative data on the number of paid library staff hours in the 'front line' that contribute to the service provided at Walcot Library - also from 2010 to date.
Please also provide comparative data on the number of paid library staff hours in the 'back office' (via Park and Central libraries) that are dedicated to Walcot Library - also from 2010 to date.
Please furnish a comprehensive list of the paid library staff's current tasks/duties undertaken remotely from the 'back office' that are dedicated to Walcot Library.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Shirley Burnham
Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to the relevant department for them to respond to you directly.
Kind regards
Customer Services
Swindon Borough Council
Wat Tyler House
Swindon SN1 2JG
Phone: 01793 445500
E-mail: [Swindon Borough Council request email]
Website: www.swindon.gov.uk
Dear Customer Services,
Thank you. I look forward to their response.
Yours sincerely,
Shirley Burnham
Dear Ms Burnham,
Re: FOI101002847736 Freedom of Information Request
I acknowledge the receipt of your request below, received in our office on
17th February, 2016.
The Council has a duty to respond 'promptly' or no later than 20 working
days which in this case is 16th March, 2016.
Please find the attached response to your request below.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to request a review you should contact:
Customer Services
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Website: www.[Swindon Borough Council request email]
The complaints/review procedure involves a full review by the Council's
Monitoring Officer.
If you are not content with the outcome of our conclusion, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner's Office for a decision before
contacting the Council. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless
you have exhausted the Council's own complaints procedure.
The Information Officer can be contacted at :
The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you require any further information concerning this matter please
contact me quoting the reference number at the top of the email
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Druett
Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405
Web: www.swindon.gov.uk
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Dear Sharon Druett,
Thank you. I am now aware of how much paid staff do in supporting Walcot Library and how comparatively little is required of the volunteers. It is not my wish to criticise the dedication of the volunteers, only to understand their role.
I also gather from your reply that volunteers do not 'run' Walcot as might sometimes be claimed.
I have noted in addition that Walcot not only has 10 hours direct paid staff support, but that it also seems apparent that library manager(s) from the statutory Library Service contribute significant support, as well.
Thank you again.
Yours sincerely,
Shirley Burnham
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