Waiting lists
Dear Avanti Garden School,
1. For each academic year, please provide a list of the dates that children joined the waiting list or a list the length of times they have been on the waiting list if recorded that way.
2. Please provide number of children on the waiting list with :
- home educated /without a school place
- PP
Yours faithfully,
P Jones
Please use our new email address, [1][email address]
Kind regards
Avanti Gardens
School Office
0117 9659150
The school office is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday - Friday.
If you are driving to the school, please park legally and be considerate
to our neighbours. Thank you.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.steineracademybristol.org.uk/
Dear Avanti Garden School,
Please can you also provide the dates / length of time pupils who have /are
SEND/Home Educated/LAC/CiC
have been on the waiting list for /date first joined the waiting list ?
Yours faithfully,
P Jones
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