Waiting List Residents Placed in Affordable Housing

The request was partially successful.

Dear Redbridge Borough Council, What is the total in figures for residents on the waiting list housed in legally defined newly built since 2010 affordable housing in a private sector development in Redbridge managed by a registered social provider since 2014 , and in which developments , managed by which registered social provider , at which level of rents , at which locations by street and postcode , per year from 2014 -2019 ( private sector developments are defined as buildings owned by a private company which has an agreement to provide affordable housing of more than 9 units which are managed by a registered social provider of housing )
Yours faithfully,

philip barker

London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Borough Council

Information request
Our reference: 6019965

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London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Borough Council

2 Attachments

Information request
Our reference: 6019965

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