Room E5.20
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Mr Brian Donaldson
Your Ref: TEO Wages Bill
Our Ref:
TEO / 2020 - 0085
8 Decem ber 2020
Dear Mr Donaldson
Freedom of Inform ation Act 2000
I refer to your request w hich w e received on 6 November 2020 for information relating
to the w ages bill for The Executive Office (TEO). I am w riting to confirm that TEO has
now completed its search for this information w hich is provided in
Annex A. I w ish to
take this opportunity to apologise for the delay in issuing this response to you.
If you are unhappy w ith the level of service you have received in relation to our handling
of this request, you may ask for an internal review w ithin tw o calendar months of the
date of this letter. You should contact –
Head of Executive and Central Advisory Division
Room SD 24
Stormont Castle
Stormont Estate
Tel -
028 90 378149
Email -
In order to assist a thorough review , it w ould be helpful if you set out any particular
grounds for complaint.
If you are not content w ith the outcome of the internal review , you then have the right
to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at –
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
The Information Commissioner w ill not investigate a complaint unless the internal
review procedure outlined above has been completed.
The supply of information in response to a freedom of information request does not
confer an automatic right to re-use the information. Under UK copyright law you can
use any information supplied for the purposes of private study and non-commerc ial
research w ithout requiring permission. Similarly, information supplied can also be re-
used for the purposes of new s reporting. An exception to this is photographs.
For other forms of re-use, for example publishing the information, you w ould need the
permission of the organisation or person w ho ow ns the copyright. In the case of
information produced by government departments and agencies you can re-use the
information under the Open Government Licence. For information about this please
w w w If, how ever, the copyright is identified as belonging to somebody else, you w ill need to
apply for permission. For information about how to obtain permission from a third party,
please go to Intel ectual Property Office’s w ebsite at
Please contact me if you have any queries about this letter, remembering to quote the
reference number above in any future communications.
Yours sincerely
Neelia Lloyd
Annex A
TEO / 2020-0085
Can you confirm to me the complete w age bill for The Executive Office annually? That
is to include a full staff list and salary, including DUP and Sinn Fein staff paid to w ork
in the Executive Office and press officers.
As per TEO’s 2019/20 audited Annual Report and Accounts the total salary cost
(including employer’s national insurance and pension contributions) for 2019/20 is
£19,385,000. This figure includes the salaries of all permanently employed staff, press
officers, agency staff, secondees, Ministers and Special Advisors.