
The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Bristol,

I write to request information concerning experimentation on or
other work involving live animals undertaken by the University of
Bristol, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please would you provide me with the following information:

1. The numbers of regulated procedures within the meaning of the
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 carried out by the
University, in each year for which you hold data.

2. A breakdown by species of the numbers of animals used in these
procedures, in each year for which you hold data.

3. A breakdown of currently held project licences within the
meaning of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 by maximum
severity limits for procedures, for the unclassified, mild,
moderate and substantial limits.

4. Minutes, reports and correspondence of the University Ethics of
Research Committee and any Departmental or Faculty Ethics
Committees, from the last three years, and any guidance issued by
these committees at any time if it is currently in use, where these
relate to experimentation on or other work involving live animals.

5. Minutes, reports and correspondence of the University Research
Committee and any Departmental or Faculty Research Committees, from
the last three years, and any guidance issued by these committees
at any time if it is currently in use, where these relate to
experimentation on or other work involving live animals.

6. The courses, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, currently
offering the opportunity to participate or requiring participation
in experimentation on or other work involving live animals.

7. The total estimated cost of research, teaching and training
involving experimentation on or other work involving live animals,
in each year for which you hold data, including some information
relating to how the figure was arrived at and what expenditure is

8. Copies of the annual statistical returns of procedures carried
out under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 submitted to
the Home Office, in each year for which you hold data.

9. The numbers of animals procured and subsequently killed as
surplus to the requirements of programmes of work, in each year for
which you hold data.

I would like to stress that I am not interested in information that
identifies individuals who are or were involved in animal
experimentation. I am happy for you to redact names from
information you release if you believe this to be appropriate. I
have structured the request as a list of numbered specific
enquiries so that if there are problems in fulfilling some of
these, it should be possible for you to proceed with the others.
Furthermore, I am happy for the phrase "each year for which you
hold data", as found in several of the requests above, to be
altered to "each of the last three years" if, and only if, this
would prevent the cost of providing a response from exceeding the
statutory limit.

I believe that this request is clear and reasonable. If you require
any clarification from me in order to comply with the request,
please contact me at the earliest opportunity. I look forward to
receiving the information requested within 20 working days. If for
any reason you are not able to provide the information within that
time please write to me explaining why, and telling me when you
expect to provide the information.

I am grateful for your time and assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

B N Brooke

P Smith, University of Bristol

Dear B

Thank you for your email. You will hear from us in due course.

--On 02 May 2011 14:58 +0100 B Brooke
<[FOI #69975 email]> wrote:

show quoted sections

Matt Morrison, University of Bristol

Dear B

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.

The 20 working day deadline is 1st June 2011.

Best wishes

Matt Morrison

Information Rights Officer
University of Bristol
[email address]
0117 3317751 (ex.17751)

This e-mail is for the above named recipient(s) only. It
may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be
subject to legal privilege. It should not be disclosed to or used, retained
or copied by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then
please delete this e-mail and all copies and promptly
inform the sender. Thank you.

Please note that in order to protect the security and working of University
network and computer systems, it may be necessary to intercept, monitor,
record, copy, audit, inspect and/or disclose to authorised University and
law enforcement personnel any files, messages and any or all uses of the
systems. The University may also be required to disclose this email as a
result of a freedom of information or data protection request, or in
connection with litigation.

Matt Morrison, University of Bristol

14 Attachments

Dear B

Further to your recent Freedom of Information request regarding the Animals
Act and the use of live animals at the University, please find attached:

- The University's responses to your questions;
- Redacted versions of minutes of the University's Ethical Review Group; and
- Extracts from the University's Ethics of Research Committee.

If you are not satisfied with the University's response to your request you
may ask the University to review the response by writing to:

Director of Legal Services
Secretary's Office
University of Bristol
Senate House
Tyndall Avenue
Bristol BS8 1TH
Email: [University of Bristol request email]

enclosing a copy of your original request and explaining your complaint.
Please include an address for correspondence. The full complaints procedure
is set down at

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the internal review you
may also contact the Information Commissioner at:

Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Best wishes

Matt Morrison

Information Rights Officer
University of Bristol
[email address]
0117 3317751 (ex.17751)

This e-mail is for the above named recipient(s) only. It
may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be
subject to legal privilege. It should not be disclosed to or used, retained
or copied by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then
please delete this e-mail and all copies and promptly
inform the sender. Thank you.

Please note that in order to protect the security and working of University
network and computer systems, it may be necessary to intercept, monitor,
record, copy, audit, inspect and/or disclose to authorised University and
law enforcement personnel any files, messages and any or all uses of the
systems. The University may also be required to disclose this email as a
result of a freedom of information or data protection request, or in
connection with litigation.