Video Consultation Solution

The request was successful.

Dear Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust,

We are currently updating our records on your Trusts Video Consultation solutions.
If you could kindly complete the fields below with what you currently hold, that would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to mark ‘No VC Solution’ if your service does not currently deliver video consultations.

Solution name (list if use more than one) –
Contract expiration date –

Video Consultation solution definition: the video consultation platform of choice for delivering video consultations, individually or in groups, to patients. Note: this is not regarding how you conduct your internal meetings.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Yours faithfully,

George Bounds


1 Attachment

Dear George, 


Please find attached our response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 referenced FOI 8412. 


Kind regards, 



Paul Bransgrove 

Information Governance Officer 

Email: [1][Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust request email] 

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust / Bracken House / Bracton Lane / Leyton Cross
Road/ Dartford, Kent / DA2 7AF 

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