Venture Capital & Private Equity Holdings

South East England Development Agency did not have the information requested.

Dear South East England Development Agency,

Please could you provide me with your most recent assessment of your holdings in private equity and venture capital funds, specifically Commitment, Contribution, Distribution and Value as of your most recent reporting period (please state the period)? This list should include all such partnerships, i.e. private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds and real estate investments. If so, is it possible for you to send them to us?

Yours faithfully,

Jo Downs

FOI, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Jo

Please find attached SEEDA's acknowledgement of your Freedom of
Information Act requested dated 27th January 2012.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.


Dan Lo Russo
Head of Information

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FOI, South East England Development Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Jo

Please find attached SEEDA's response to your Freedom of Information
request dated 27th January 2012.

We hope this information is of use to you. Please do not hesitate to
contact me should you have any queries.


Dan Lo Russo
Head of Information
[email address]

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