Venture Capital & Private Equity Holdings

The request was successful.

Dear One North East,

Please could you provide me with your most recent assessment of your holdings in private equity and venture capital funds, specifically Commitment, Contribution, Distribution and Value as of your most recent reporting period (please state the period)? This list should include all such partnerships, i.e. private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds and real estate investments. If so, is it possible for you to send them to us?

Yours faithfully,

Jo Downs

Anne Vant Hoff, One North East

Dear Jo Downs,

Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the

Thank you for your e-mail received 27 January 2012 in which you made a
request for certain information from One North East. You ask:

     Please could you provide me with your most recent assessment of

     your holdings in private equity and venture capital funds,

     specifically Commitment, Contribution, Distribution and Value as of

     your most recent reporting period (please state the period)? This

     list should include all such partnerships, i.e. private equity,

     venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds and real

     estate investments. If so, is it possible for you to send them to




I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
subject to any clarifications we may need to raise I expect to revert to
you within the 20 day deadline.  Kind regards


Anne van’t Hoff

Legal Manager

Legal Services

One NorthEast

Stella House

Goldcrest Way

Newburn Riverside

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE15 8NY

Tel: (+44) 191 229 6817

Fax: (+44) 191 229 6201

One North East - the regional development agency for North East England,
visit to find out more.

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John Hammill, One North East

1 Attachment

Dear Jo Downes


Thank you for your FOI request.


I am pleased to enclose our response.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Kind regards






John Hammill
Extended Enterprise & Corporate Support Manager

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6582

È07917 087460

6 0191 229 6227
* [1][email address]

" [2]


One North East - the regional development agency for North East England,
visit to find out more.

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