Vehicle Theft Methodology 821A/22
From: foi @>
Sent: 08 July 2022 Subject: FOI Request Reference: 821A/22
Thank you for your request for information, received 21/06/22
‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a car from locking’ – as you appear not to record the theft methodology, how has this statement justified?
Please be advised that this is not a valid Freedom of information Act request as it does not fulfil Section 8 of the Act. It is not a request for specific recorded information and the authority does not have to answer your question/s if this would mean creating new information or giving an opinion or judgement that is not already recorded.
Your attention is drawn to your right to request a re-examination of your case under West Midlands Police review procedure, which can be found at:
Please note that such an appeal must be received within 40 working days of the date of this correspondence. Any such request received after this time will only be considered at the discretion of the FOI Unit.
If you require any further information, then please e-mail the FOI Unit quoting the above reference number.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Williams
Rebecca Williams l FOI Manager
Lloyd House l West Midlands Police
Thankyou for your e-mail, you have contacted the Freedom of Information
Valid FOI requests will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. We will endeavour to provide a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days, as defined by the Act, subject to
the application of any statutory exemptions. Where consideration is being
given to the application of any exemptions the 20 working day timescale
may be extended under the terms of the Act to a period considered
reasonable depending on the nature and circumstances of your request. In
such cases you will be notified. In all cases we shall attempt to deal
with your request at the earliest opportunity.
What can I not access under FOI?
You will not be able to access information:
* about yourself. This is a Subject Access
* about third parties
* about your police record
* to access legal aid
* for employment purposes
* for civil proceedings
* for insurance requests
* in relation to police certificates for the purpose of emigration,
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If you want to make a request on any of the above, visit our main website
to find out how:
or make contact with the `Live Chat` team on the force website who will be
able to assist you further.
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Dear West Midlands Police,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of West Midlands Police's handling of my FOI request 'Vehicle Theft Methodology 821A/22'.
‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a car from locking’ – as you appear not to record the theft methodology, how has this statement justified?
Please provide the information giving rise to the statement ‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a car from locking’
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Phil Swift
Dear Mr Swift
FOI Internal Review Reference: 893A/22
Thank you for your correspondence, received 10/07/2022 where you requested
West Midlands Police to review its response to your request for
information under reference number 810/22.
On 21/06/22 you contacted us from your CMA Claims e-mail address
[1][email address] and requested the following:
‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic
increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic
security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a
car from locking’ – as you appear not to record the theft methodology, how
has this statement justified?
The force responded on 8^th July 2022 and advised that this is not a valid
Freedom of information Act request as it does not fulfil Section 8 of the
Act. It is not a request for specific recorded information and the
authority does not have to answer your question/s if this would mean
creating new information or giving an opinion or judgement that is not
already recorded.
You have requested an internal review of the force response from your WDTK
account [2][FOI #877433 email] but have not advised
of the reason for the review. In addition, you have asked the following:
Please provide the information giving rise to the statement ‘The
introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic increase’
& use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic security
systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a car from
The response has now been reviewed and the force maintains that your
request was responded to on a proper basis. On 26^th June 2022 you have
provided the force with a statement that was not made by them and asked
how the statement was justified. As previously advised, the FOI Act
legislation only covers requests for specific recorded information. And,
as also previously advised, the force does not have to create new
information, give an opinion/judgement that is not already recorded, or
cross refence other information/documents in order to try and fulfil a
In relation to your additional comments asking for `the information giving
rise to the statement`. Please be advised that as this question did not
form part of your original request it is not subject to review under the
Internal Review process. Should an applicant be unhappy with a response
provided to them under FOI, they have the right to request a review of the
decision made. This will take the form of an internal review, whereby the
information held and the decision on disclosure will be reviewed to
ascertain if it was correct, it is not a process to determine if
additional information is held to that which was originally requested.
However, in order to assist, I can advise that as the statement was not
made by WMP we would be unable to fulfil this enquiry should you submit it
as a new request.
You may wish to query the basis/justification of the statement further
with the issuer of the statement.
I hope that this is of assistance.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
Link to their website: [3]
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Williams
Rebecca Williams l FOI Manager
Lloyd House l West Midlands Police
This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged
or confidential information. If received in error, please notify the
originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this email is strictly forbidden. Views or opinions
expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of West
Midlands Police. All West Midlands Police email activity is monitored for
virus, racist, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate activity. No
responsibility is accepted by West Midlands Police for any loss or damage
arising in any way from the receipt or use of this email.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[FOI #877433 email]
Dear Freedom of Information,
I asked for `the information giving rise to the statement` about increased car theft:
‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic
increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic
security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a
car from locking’
I did so because, as you appear not to record the theft methodology, such a statement appeared unsupportable.
You have responded:
'However, in order to assist, I can advise that as the statement was not
made by WMP we would be unable to fulfil this enquiry should you submit it
as a new request.'
I am aware the statement originates from the West Midlands Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Having approached your PCC, 16/06/2022 about the above statement they responded:
'This view is information West Midlands Police may hold and has advised the Police and Crime Commissioner on. In order to be of assistance, please see the following contact details should you wish to submit this question to West Midlands Police'
It appears I must return to your PCC
Yours sincerely,
Phil Swift
Thankyou for your e-mail, you have contacted the Freedom of Information
Valid FOI requests will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. We will endeavour to provide a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days, as defined by the Act, subject to
the application of any statutory exemptions. Where consideration is being
given to the application of any exemptions the 20 working day timescale
may be extended under the terms of the Act to a period considered
reasonable depending on the nature and circumstances of your request. In
such cases you will be notified. In all cases we shall attempt to deal
with your request at the earliest opportunity.
What can I not access under FOI?
You will not be able to access information:
* about yourself. This is a Subject Access
* about third parties
* about your police record
* to access legal aid
* for employment purposes
* for civil proceedings
* for insurance requests
* in relation to police certificates for the purpose of emigration,
visas and residency
If you want to make a request on any of the above, visit our main website
to find out how:
or make contact with the `Live Chat` team on the force website who will be
able to assist you further.
Preventing crime, protecting the public and helping those in need.
If it’s not 999, search WMP Online<>
This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged
or confidential information. If received in error, please notify the
originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this email is strictly forbidden. Views or opinions
expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of West
Midlands Police. All West Midlands Police email activity is monitored for
virus, racist, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate activity. No
responsibility is accepted by West Midlands Police for any loss or damage
arising in any way from the receipt or use of this email.
Dear West Midlands Police,
I note statements attributed to WMP: and
such as
"They're [thieves] using devices in order to block signals where people are trying to lock their cars with their fobs," he said.
I am seeking the information linked to the methodology, that supports the above statement and similar. I remain at a loss to understand how the above is considered accurate if, as appears to be the case, WMP do not record the theft means and is unable to provide information to me about this.
Yours faithfully,
Phil Swift
Dear Mr Swift
It is unclear from your e-mail correspondence below what it is that you require from the FOI Unit.
Should you wish to submit a FOI request, please advise what specific recorded information it is that you require and also the time parameters that your request covers.
Please note that, as previously advised, the FOI Unit will not cross reference links, articles, documents and/or previous requests to try and interpret what an applicant is asking for.
I hope that this is of assistance
No further action has been taken
Yours Sincerely
Mrs R Williams
Rebecca Williams l FOI Manager
Lloyd House l West Midlands Police
Dear Mrs Williams
Superintendent Jim Munro from West Midlands Police said:
""They're [thieves] using devices in order to block signals where people are trying to lock their cars with their fobs,"
• What information does WMP possess to support this?
• What percentage of thefts are taken by this means?
Kindly supply this information, the material used to support such a statement (or similar).
Yours sincerely,
Phil Swift
Dear Mr Swift
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
on 20/08/22.
In order to be able to respond to your request I require further
information from you. Please would you provide a time frame for question 2
of your request:
After receiving your reply, your request will then be considered and you
will receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of
20 working days as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, subject
to the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third
However, if clarification has not been received in 40 working days I will
assume that you no longer wish to proceed with this request and will treat
it as withdrawn.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
e-mail the FOI Unit quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Mrs R Williams
Rebecca Williams l FOI Manager
Lloyd House l West Midlands Police
This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged
or confidential information. If received in error, please notify the
originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this email is strictly forbidden. Views or opinions
expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of West
Midlands Police. All West Midlands Police email activity is monitored for
virus, racist, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate activity. No
responsibility is accepted by West Midlands Police for any loss or damage
arising in any way from the receipt or use of this email.
Dear Freedom of Information,
Whilst i thank you for your acknowledgement, the time frame cannot be known to me as the statement is that of Superintendent Jim Munro from West Midlands Police:
"They're [thieves] using devices in order to block signals where people are trying to lock their cars with their fobs,"
I have asked to be supplied, with the material used to support such a statement (or similar). I cannot know when it applies but assume it to be recent i.e. within the past year.
Therefore, the time frame appears an irrelevant aspect, which will be disclosed in the response, the past 5 years should cover the recent statements (above).
Yours sincerely,
Phil Swift
Dear Mr Swift
FOI Request Reference: 1145A
Thank you for your request for information, received 20/08/22 and
clarified on 31/08/22
Superintendent Jim Munro from West Midlands Police said:
""They're [thieves] using devices in order to block signals where people
are trying to lock their cars with their fobs," . Kindly supply this
information, the material used to support such a statement (or similar).
1• What information does WMP possess to support this?
There is no specific recorded information held that we can supply to you
in a `material` format however, in order to assist, we can advise that the
statement was supported by the recovery of devices following arrests and
information provided to, or known by, the police.
2• What percentage of thefts are taken by this means?
No specific recorded information held.
Your attention is drawn to your right to request a re-examination of your
case under West Midlands Police review procedure, which can be found at:
Please note that such an appeal must be received within 40 working days of
the date of this correspondence. Any such request received after this time
will only be considered at the discretion of the FOI Unit.
If you require any further information, then please e-mail the FOI Unit
quoting the above reference number.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Williams
Rebecca Williams l FOI Manager
Lloyd House l West Midlands Police
This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged
or confidential information. If received in error, please notify the
originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this email is strictly forbidden. Views or opinions
expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of West
Midlands Police. All West Midlands Police email activity is monitored for
virus, racist, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate activity. No
responsibility is accepted by West Midlands Police for any loss or damage
arising in any way from the receipt or use of this email.
Visible links
Thankyou for your e-mail, you have contacted the Freedom of Information
Valid FOI requests will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. We will endeavour to provide a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days, as defined by the Act, subject to
the application of any statutory exemptions. Where consideration is being
given to the application of any exemptions the 20 working day timescale
may be extended under the terms of the Act to a period considered
reasonable depending on the nature and circumstances of your request. In
such cases you will be notified. In all cases we shall attempt to deal
with your request at the earliest opportunity.
What can I not access under FOI?
You will not be able to access information:
* about yourself. This is a Subject Access
* about third parties
* about your police record
* to access legal aid
* for employment purposes
* for civil proceedings
* for insurance requests
* in relation to police certificates for the purpose of emigration,
visas and residency
If you want to make a request on any of the above, visit our main website
to find out how:
or make contact with the `Live Chat` team on the force website who will be
able to assist you further.
Preventing crime, protecting the public and helping those in need.
If it’s not 999, search WMP Online<>
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originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
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Phil Swift left an annotation ()
Sent: 26 July 2022 17:17 To: West Midlands Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner wmpcc @
Subject: RE: WMPCC Reference: 2020-00255
Dear Sirs
I am seeking an IR.
I again ask the source of your statement;
‘The introduction of keyless technology has also led to the dramatic increase’ & use of ‘technology to get around the onboard electronic security systems, such as copying digital keys or using devices to stop a car from locking’
WMP appear to have no knowledge of it – please see:
P. Swift