Vehicle Minimum Maintenance Requirements

The request was refused by Docklands Light Railway Limited.

Dear Docklands Light Railway Limited,

Please could I request the latest issues of the Vehicle Minimum Maintenance Requirements for both B92K and B2007 rolling stock vehicles.

To clarify, these are the two documents detailing the minimum requirements to which the franchisee is required to deliver maintenance, and are referred to as VMMR-B92K and VMMR-B2007 respectively in the redacted DLR franchise agreement schedules.

Yours faithfully,

A. N. Orak

FOI, Docklands Light Railway Limited


Dear Sir or Madam


Please be aware that, in accordance with section 8(1)(b) of the FOI Act, a
request must state the name of the applicant and an address for


We have reason to believe that your request of 2 February 2022 has been
submitted using a pseudonym and therefore, since your request does not
satisfy the definition of a request for information contained in section
8(1)(b) of the Act, we do not consider that the right to information
contained in section 1 is engaged. As a result we are unable to process
your request until you have confirmed your full name.


I appreciate that this may appear to be a minor point and an
inconvenience, but I should inform you that the ICO has advised that, by
virtue of section 50 of the FOI Act, they are unable to consider
pseudonymous requests for information. In the event that TfL goes on to
process this request and withholds any information, you would therefore
not be able to exercise the statutory rights to challenge this decision. I
would emphasise that this does not represent a blanket refusal to release
information on this subject, just that we must receive your particular
request in a valid form before we can go on to process it fully.


In the meantime, if you would like to discuss this matter further, please
do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely



Sara Thomas

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London



show quoted sections

Dear Sara Thomas,

I am sorry to hear that you believe my name to be pseudonymous, please be assured that this is not the case.

I have provided this letter as evidence of my full name.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Orak

FOI, Docklands Light Railway Limited

Dear Sir or Madam


Thank you for your email of 17 February 2022 as below.


I don’t think you attached the letter you referred to in your email –
please could you resend it to [1][DLR request email] to enable us to process
your request.


Yours faithfully





Sara Thomas


FOI Case Management Team


General Counsel


Transport for London






show quoted sections

FOI, Docklands Light Railway Limited

1 Attachment




Dear Sir or Madam


Further to my emails of 8 and 21 February 2022 I am writing to inform you
that your request for information has been closed as we have not received
the relevant identification confirming your full name.


Any further correspondence we receive from you in relation to your request
will be treated as a new request.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to



Sara Thomas

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London



From: FOI
Sent: 21 February 2022 08:45
To: 'A N Orak' <[1][FOI #829809 email]>
Subject: RE: new foi ref 2509-2122 CRM:0138496


Dear Sir or Madam


Thank you for your email of 17 February 2022 as below.


I don’t think you attached the letter you referred to in your email –
please could you resend it to [2][DLR request email] to enable us to process
your request.


Yours faithfully





Sara Thomas


FOI Case Management Team


General Counsel


Transport for London






show quoted sections

Dear Sara,

I am writing to explain that I am not satisfied with the response given on the 21st February, and the FoI case must remain open.

In addition, please could you send a list of acceptable forms of identification.

As this FoI request is being processed through, it would be unreasonable to request that I publicly publish my personal form of identification online.

Yours sincerely,

A N Orak

FOI, Docklands Light Railway Limited

Good afternoon

As advised in my colleagues email your request has now been fully closed as we did not receive the requested identification confirming your full name.

If you wish to submit a new request to [DLR request email] using a personal email address rather than via the What do They Know website you can include a suitable form of picture identification which confirms your name of A N Orak (i.e driving licence / passport / bus pass etc).

Until that identification is received we are unable to take your requests forward as valid FOI's.

Kind regards

Emma Flint
Principal Information Access Adviser
FOI Case Management Team
Transport for London

show quoted sections