Ambulance Headquarters
Bernicia House
The Waterfront
D Vine
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
4 April 2018
Tel: 0191 430 2000
Our Ref: FOI.18.070
Dear Sir
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Information Request
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act which was received
on 8 March 2018. I can confirm that we hold part of the information you have requested. You asked
the following questions, reproduced in
bold below:
Please could you provide me with the following information for all vehicles in use with the
- Vehicle Type (Make & Model)
- Registration Number
- Fleet Number / Call Sign
- Role of Vehicle
- Station its based at
- Owned or leased (if leased, which company its leased through) – All vehicles are owned
by the Trust
Please see attached list and note that the Trust can only provide details of operational division
the vehicles operate within, as in the majority of cases our vehicles are not allocated to specific
ambulance stations, but are generic and move around depending on demand and use.
I can confirm that we hold the information you have requested in respect of fleet number/call
sign, however we are withholding the release of this information as we consider this data exempt
under section 31(g)(2)(i)(j) and section 38(1)(a)(b).
Section 31(g)(2)(i)(j): It is the opinion of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation
Trust that releasing this information would, or would likely to, prejudice the exercise of this Trust
in its functions for (i) the purposes of the health, safety and welfare of persons at work, and also
(j) for or the purpose of protecting persons other than persons at work against risk to health or
safety arising out of or in connection with the actions of persons at work - if Trust vehicles could
be identified or duplicated by other individuals.
Section 38(1)(a)(b): It is the opinion of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
that releasing this information would (a) endanger the physical or mental health of any individual,
or (b) endanger the safety of any individual (whether staff or patients) - if Trust vehicles could be
identified or duplicated by other individuals.
Chairman: Ashley Winter | Chief Executive: Yvonne Ormston
The North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is registered, and therefore
licensed to provide services, by the Care Quality Commission (Provider ID: RX601).
If you are not satisfied with the information we have provided, you can request an internal review
which will be carried out by someone not involved with your original request. Mr Paul Aitken-Fell is the
Trust’s Consultant Paramedic, his contact details are:
Paul Aitken-Fell
Consultant Paramedic
North East Ambulance Service NHS FT Trust
Bernicia House
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
If you remain unhappy with the outcome of the review, you can ultimately complain to:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
Mark Cotton
Freedom of Information Lead
Our badge stands for unmatched quality of care for every life we touch.