Vectoring Changes at Heathrow Airport
Dear Civil Aviation Authority,
Under the Environmental Information Regulations, please can you provide copies of correspondence between CAA and NATS in relation to trials of new operating instructions for vectoring choices for flights using Heathrow Airport since 1st January 2011.
Yours faithfully,
Tim Henderson
Dear Mr Henderson,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your application for the release of information held by the Civil Aviation Authority.
If your requirements are unclear, or the information is held by another public authority, we will contact you in the next five working days. Otherwise the information we are able to disclose will be assembled and made available to you within 20 working days from receipt of your request. If we are unable to provide any of the information requested an explanation will be provided.
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of this request, I can be contacted on the number below. Please quote reference E0002292.
Yours sincerely
William Pounder
Information Rights Officer
Civil Aviation Authority
Tel: 01293 573781
Follow us on Twitter: @UK_CAA
Please consider the environment. Think before printing this email.
Dear Mr Henderson
Further to our email below, there was a major fire in the Kingsway area of London on 1 April. This took place adjacent to the CAA's London office, where our airspace and environmental research teams are based, and we had no access to the building between 1 April and 14 April. While our contingency plans were implemented to ensure that our work continued as normally as possible, we had to prioritise essential services during that period.
Unfortunately this is having an impact on our ability to provide you with a response to your request, although we will endeavour to respond fully as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mark Stevens
External Response Manager
External Information Services
Civil Aviation Authority
Tel: 01293 573873
Follow us on Twitter: @UK_CAA
Please consider the environment. Think before printing this email.
Dear Mr Henderson
Please find attached the CAA's response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely
Mark Stevens
External Response Manager
External Information Services
Civil Aviation Authority
Tel: 01293 573873
Follow us on Twitter: [2]@UK_CAA
Please consider the environment. Think before printing this email.
Visible links
T Henderson left an annotation ()
On checking this page, I find that the "procedural change " disclosure I mentioned in the annotation has a link that is now dead. The archived file is currently available at
where I was puzzled that I could not find it listed under airspace but is listed under airports.
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T Henderson left an annotation ()
A request for information on a"procedural change to the Compton departure" from Heathrow has elicited a detailed response from CAA . See