Vascular surgery

The request was successful.

Dear Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,

I would be grateful if you would provide the following information
under the FOI Act.

Regarding vascular surgery reconfiguration in your area:

1. Currently how many vascular surgeons are working at your trust, please include wte for consultants and numbers of junior doctors?
2. What on call rota do the vascular surgical consultants cover currently?
3. What catchment area do they cover?
4.Is a review planned or has one been performed regarding vascular surgery reconfiguration in your area, please provide dates of review?
5. If a review has occurred what was the outcome?
6. Will there be centralisation of services in your area?
7. If there is centralisation which will be the hub hospital, how many consultant vascular surgeons will be employed (wte), what rota will be employed and what catchment area will be covered?

Yours faithfully,

P Singh

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Dear P Singh

Further to your request for information regarding vascular surgery received 20th February 2012, we confirm that Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is a Mental Health Trust and not commissioned to provide such services, your request therefore will not be processed further.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: FOI Department, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Units 8 & 9, The Point, Lions Way, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8GG. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Yours sincerely

[name removed]
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust
Units 8 & 9, The Point, Lions Way, Sleaford, NG34 8GG
Tel: 01529 222264
Fax: 01529 222203 (NB not safe haven)
E-mail: [email address]

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