Various NPCC Documents

The request was partially successful.

Dear National Police Chiefs' Council,

Please supply copies of:

1) All papers and minutes relating to Undercover Policing Inquiry and the Resourcing of Operation Elter presented in January 2019 and April 2017.

2) The Special Branch Review, 19 December 2016, as presented on January 2017 and subsequent material relating to implementations of any of its recommendations.

3) The 2018/2019 NPCC Q4 Delivery Plan, April 2019.

4) The NPCC Delivery Plan 2019/2020, and Quarterly Delivery Plan updates relating to it.

5) The Prevent: The Policing Response to the Prevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strategy and Delivery Plan, ACPO, April 2008

6) The ACPO Manual of Standards on the Recording and Dissemination of Intelligence Material

Thanks in advance

Yours faithfully,

Lisa McCarthy

Sherry Traquair,

Dear Lisa

Many thanks for your email. In order for me to process, please can you assist in letting me know what you mean by 'presented'. Could you send me a link to where you have identified where this information may be held so that I can contact or retrieve the information that may be captured by your request?

Kindest regards.


Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs' Council
M | 077 685 53447
E   | [email address]
W |

NB: Non-work day Tuesday & Friday

From: Lisa McCarthy
Sent: 21 July 2020 14:55:05 (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
To: NPCC FOI Request Mailbox
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Various NPCC Documents

Dear National Police Chiefs' Council,

Please supply copies of:

1) All papers and minutes relating to Undercover Policing Inquiry and the Resourcing of Operation Elter presented in January 2019 and April 2017.

2) The Special Branch Review, 19 December 2016, as presented on January 2017 and subsequent material relating to implementations of any of its recommendations.

3) The 2018/2019 NPCC Q4 Delivery Plan, April 2019.

4) The NPCC Delivery Plan 2019/2020, and Quarterly Delivery Plan updates relating to it.

5) The Prevent: The Policing Response to the Prevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strategy and Delivery Plan, ACPO, April 2008

6) The ACPO Manual of Standards on the Recording and Dissemination of Intelligence Material

Thanks in advance

Yours faithfully,

Lisa McCarthy


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Sherry Traquair,

3 Attachments

Good afternoon


Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.

With kind regards.




Sherry Traquair

NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker

National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)


National Police Chiefs’ Council

M | 077 685 53447

E   | [1][email address]

W | [2]


NB: Non-work day Friday




[4]NPFDPU logo    [5]NPCC-blue-RGB



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Sherry Traquair,

Apologies I have been on vacation so missed your request for clarification. Thank for continuing to deal with my request without a response.

I note that number 4 appears to be have left off...
4. The NPCC Delivery Plan 2019/2020, and Quarterly Delivery Plan updates relating to it.


Yours sincerely,

Lisa McCarthy

Sherry Traquair,

Dear Lisa

Many thanks for your email. There wasn't a delivery plan presented for 2019/20 in January's Chief Constables' Council, and there are no published updates here:

Apologies for any confusion. I have checked with the NPCC Central Office who confirm that The NPCC Chair is currently reviewing the delivery plan model.

I can confirm that no NPCC Delivery Plan for 2019/20 is held and as such updates relating to it at this time.

I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

Kindest regards.


Sherry Traquair
NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)

National Police Chiefs’ Council
M | 077 685 53447
E   | [email address]
W |

NB: Non-work day Friday


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