Vaccine administration to our troops
Dear British Army,
How many vaccines do our troops currently receive?
What is the maximum number of vaccines administered to a British Soldier in 1 sitting?
What is the maximum number of vaccines administered to a British Soldier in a day?
What is the maximum number of vaccines administered to a British Soldier in a week?
What is the maximum number of vaccines administered to a British Soldier in 2 weeks?
What is the maximum number of vaccines administered to to a British Soldier in 4 weeks?
Kind Regards
Gavin Roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
In response to your enquiry below, please see the attached.
Joint Medical Group Secretariat
Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
Thankyou for your reply,
If the vaccines contains an adjuvant alum for example or if they are administered simultaneously with an adjuvant. How many vaccines maximum are issued in 1 sitting.
Does MOD still use pertusis (whoopin cough)as an adjuvant? If not, when did this practise end?
What year did the individual tailored vaccine come into practise, where a soldiers vaccine history is taken into consideration?
Why is it felt neccessary now to consider a soldiers vaccine history?
Which live vaccine is now considered should be administered with at least 4 weeks between shots?
Yours sincerely,
gavin roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
Further to your enquiry below, please see the attached.
Joint Medical Group Secretariat
Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
Thankyou for your reply,
Q, I can see that the green book was published in 1992. On what date did the green book become part of MOD protocol? Please provide the MOD document/source that substantiates this. ORDER/EMAILS Etc to ALL units.
Q The green book protocol states clearly that any new vaccines administered are subject to enhanced surveillance for all. Considering MOD was aware that they had administered its troops with new vaccines (at best), new untested experimental vaccines/ combinations administered in multiples (at worse). What steps did MOD take to adhere the Green Book Protocol to avoid being negligent to " It's Duty Of Care" of the troops administered. Please show Data of the ADR's it reported to the Dept of Health/and/ during the years 1991 - 1999 surrounding vaccines.
Q What ENHANCED surveillance did MOD carry out on its troops between 91 -99 ? Please forward Copies of ORDERS/Emails to units/medical dept's to carry out ENHANCED SURVEILLANCE on troops during these years.
Q When was the last date/year/conflict that MOD administered Pertusis simultaneously with Anthrax on its troops?
Q When was the last date /year/conflict MOD administered multiple vaccines (5 or more within 4 weeks) to its troops?
gavin roberts
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