Information Governance
Medical Directorate
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Foresterhill Site
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
Date 20 September 2021
Conor Matchett
Our Ref
Enquiries to Information Governance Team Extension 51319
Direct Line 01224 551319
Dear Mr Matchet ,
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
I refer to your e-mail dated 23 August 2021, requesting:
“1) Please provide a list of each vaccination centre used by the health board for the rollout
of the Covid-19 vaccine since March 2020. This should not include GP surgeries but
should include so-called 'mass vaccination' centres.
2) For each centre, please provide the date the centre opened for appointments and, if it
has since closed, the last date it was open for appointments.
2a) Please also provide the postcode for the centre.
3) Please provide a list of every Covid-19 testing centre in the health board since March
2020. For clarity, this should include mass testing centres.
4) For each centre, please provide the date the centre opened for appointments and, if
closed, the last date it was open for appointments
4a) Please also provide the postcode for the centre.”
I can now respond as follows:
1) Please provide a list of each vaccination centre used by the health board for the
rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine since March 2020. This should not include GP
surgeries but should include so-called 'mass vaccination' centres. AND
2) For each centre, please provide the date the centre opened for appointments and,
if it has since closed, the last date it was open for appointments.
2a) Please also provide the postcode for the centre.
In relation to both the above questions please see the information below.
Aberdeen City Vaccination Centre 13/09/2021
AB25 1BW
Aberdeen Community Health
6/09/2021 13/09/2021 AB24 5HY
Abbeyside Nursing Home
16/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV30 1QX
Abbeyvale Nursing Home
16/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV30 1QS
Andersons Care Home
17/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV30 1RP
Associated Fish Buckie
25/05/2021 25/07/2021 AB56 1UX
Baxters of Moray
02/06/2021 31/07/2021 IV32 7LD
Buckie Baptist Church
20/01/2021 02/02/2021 AB56 1JN
Burghead Town Hall
22/07/2021 22/07/2021 IV30 5UJ
Cathay Care Home
22/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV36 2RE
Dr Grays Hospital
IV30 1SN
Elgin Academy
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 IV30 4ND
Findhorn Hall
20/07/2021 20/07/2021 IV36 3TZ
Fiona Elcock VC
IV30 6RP
Fleming Hospital
18/01/2021 18/01/2021 AB38 9PR
Forres Academy
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 IV36 1FG
Forres Academy
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 IV36 1FG
Hythehil School
05/05/2021 05/05/2021 IV31 6RF
Johnsons of Elgin
20/06/2021 20/06/2021 IV30 4AF
Keith Grammar
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 AB55 5GS
Lossie High School
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 IV31 6JU
Lossie Town Hall
21/07/2021 21/07/2021 IV31 6AW
Meadowlark Care Home
22/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV36 2JT
Milnes Academy
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 IV32 7DJ
Moray College UHI
06/07/2021 23/08/2021 IV30 1JJ
Mosset Park
27/01/2021 08/02/2021 IV36 1AU
Netherha Care Home
21/12/2020 31/01/2021 AB56 1EP
Parklands Nursing Home
17/12/2020 31/01/2021 AB56 4AD
Seafield Hospital
18/01/2021 18/01/2021 AB56 1DT
Southfield 9c
14/12/2020 22/01/2021 IV30 6GR
Speyside Care Home
29/12/2020 31/01/2021 AB38 9QE
Speyside High
20/08/2021 31/08/2021 AB38 9QU
Spynie Care Home
21/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV30 5JG
Stephen Hospital
18/01/2021 18/01/2021 AB55 4AY
The Grove Care Home
21/12/2020 31/01/2021 IV30 8TE
Turner Hospital
18/01/2021 31/08/2021 AB55 5DJ
Wakefield Care Home
30/12/2020 31/01/2021 AB56 4TE
Weston View Care Home
30/12/2020 31/01/2021 AB55 5JS
Mobile Bus
Moray Vaccinations have been carried out at the Fiona Elcock Vaccination Centre, Edgar
Road, Elgin IV30 6RP. This centre opened late December 2020 and continues to provide
COVID19 vaccinations.
In Aberdeenshire Alford Community Campus AB33 8TY and El on Meadows Sports Centre
AB41 9QJ COVID-19 Vaccination centres were opened in December 2020 and closed in
early February 2021, in order to concentrate both vaccine and immunising staff to the main
mass vaccination centres.
In Aberdeen City the P&J Live Arena at The Event Complex Aberdeen AB21 9FX had
been used as a mass vaccination centre since December 2020 and closed recently, at the
beginning of September 2021.
There have been a number of temporary "pop up" vaccination clinics in Grampian, these
have mainly lasted for only a day and were run to meet inequality of access issues,
mitigate potential outbreak risks, or to address low vaccination uptake rates in certain "cold
spot" areas.
These have included Mobile clinics for the homeless population, a vaccination clinic held
at the permanent travel ers site at Clinterty Aberdeen, Clinics at The Healthy Hoose Manor
Avenue, Aberdeen AB16 7UR, V in the park at Hazelhead Park Cafe, in house
vaccinations at fish and food processing plants in Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City and
Moray, Pittodrie footbal stadium prior to football matches and a pop up clinic in a church
where vaccine hesitancy was identified within the congregation.
Temporary COVID-19 vaccination Clinics are also planned for University of Aberdeen and
Robert Gordon University students, when students return to the universities later in
September 2021.
Below is the list of Aberdeenshire Current COVID 19 vaccination centres, which have been
open since December 2020 and continue to provide COVID vaccination services today.
Banchory Sports Vil age, Provost Webster Road, Banchory,
Aberdeenshire, AB31 5BL- Open December 2020
Fraserburgh Community & Sports Centre, Maconochie Place, Fraserburgh,
Aberdeenshire, AB43 9TH- Open December 2020
Stewarts Hall, 15-17 Gordon Street, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 8AJ- Open
December 2020
Garioch Vaccination Centre, Burghmuir Place, Blackhall Industrial Estate,
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 4FW- Open December 2020
Macduff Sports Centre, Duff Street, Macduff, Aberdeenshire, AB44 1AA- Open
December 2020
d, Palace Hotel, Prince Street, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 1PL- Open
December 2020
Stonehaven Town Hall, Al ardice Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2BU- Open
December 2020
3) Please provide a list of every Covid-19 testing centre in the health board since
March 2020. For clarity, this should include mass testing centres. AND
4) For each centre, please provide the date the centre opened for appointments and,
if closed, the last date it was open for appointments
4a) Please also provide the postcode for the centre.
NHS Grampian have run three test drive through sites since March last year - these are for
Health and Social Care staff and their families and for patients for pre-operative testing
before admission to hospital. These are based at the following addresses
Near Foresterhil Lea Building, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen AB25 2ZY
Jubilee Hospital, George V Avenue, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 8EX
Linkwood Medical Centre car park, 2 Thornhil Drive, Elgin, IV30 6GQ
More recently in September this year we have a second Aberdeen Surge site for Health
and Social Care symptomatic staff only in Summerfield House car park, 2 Eday Road,
Aberdeen, AB15 6RE
There are additional UK Government testing sites in Aberdeen and Moray and a schedule
of mobile testing units through Aberdeenshire and parts of Moray. These are run
separately to NHS Grampian sites by the Government and we do not have information on
them; s.17 of the Act refers – Information not held.
Under section 20 (1) of the Act, if you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Grampian has
dealt with your request, you have a right to request a review of our actions and decisions
in relation to your request, and you have a right to appeal to the Scottish Information
A request for review must be made within 40 working days and should, in the first
instance, be in writing to: Directorate of Corporate Communications, Foresterhil House,
Foresterhil , Aberdeen, AB25 2ZB or by email t
Requests for appeal can be made by using the Scottish Information Commissioner’s online
service at or should be made in writing to: Scottish
Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16
9DS Telephone: 01334 464610, Fax: 01334 464611.
If you remain dissatisfied following an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
your recourse is to the Court of Session on a point of law.
Yours sincerely
Roohi Bains
Information Governance Manager & Deputy DPO
NHS Grampian