We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ire New Media please sign in and let everyone know.

Vacant property

We're waiting for Ire New Media to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,

Please supply the following information.

1. List of vacant property.

2. Property type.

3. Length of time vacant.

4. Reason for vacancy.

5. Estimated time before property is sold or let.

Yours faithfully,

Ire New Media

Torney, Annabel, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Good Morning,

In regards to the Freedom of Information request received on the 27 July, could you please clarify the area you are requesting this information for?

Also please provide a contact name for the request.


Annabel Torney
Freedom of Information Coordinator

show quoted sections

Dear Torney, Annabel,

The areas covered should include all those areas serviced by NIHE.

A name is not required for this request as Ire New Media is a business name and therefore qualifies as an entity to make this FOI request.

Yours sincerely,

Ire New Media

Torney, Annabel, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,

Could you confirm the time period for which you require this information for?


Annabel Torney
Freedom of Information Coordinator

show quoted sections

Dear Torney, Annabel,

As at today's date.

Yours sincerely,

Ire New Media

Mcfall, Naoimh, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Please find attached the acknowledgement letter for your recent FOI



Kind regards


Naoimh McArdle-McFall

GEM Graduate Trainee

Community Involvement & Community Cohesion Unit

Northern Ireland Housing Executive

| *: [1][email address]




*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Boyd, Jenna, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Dear Ire New Media,


Please see the attached correspondence, I am writing to advise you that I
need to extend the time limit for responding to your request for
information, which the Housing Executive received on 27 July 2017.


Kind regards


Jenna Boyd


Public Affairs

Northern Ireland Housing Executive

2 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8PB

(: EXT: 82704 | (: DDI: (028) 95982704

*: [1][email address]




McardleMcfall, Naoimh, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request of
27^th July 2017.


Kind regards

Naoimh McArdle-McFall

GEM Graduate Trainee

Community Engagement Officer

Community Involvement & Community Cohesion Unit

Northern Ireland Housing Executive

(: (028) 95983263 | ( Ext: 83263 | *:
[1][email address]


*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ire New Media please sign in and let everyone know.