Utilisation of Rostering Software

The request was successful.

Dear Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,
Under FOI please provide the following information relating to how the organisation rosters its staff.
1. Does the trust currently use rostering software?
2. Please state the name(s) of all rostering provider(s) used, split by the following staffing groups. Where no third parties are used, please explain how these staff are rostered:
a. Medical & Dental
b. Nursing & Midwifery
c. AHPs
d. Other (please specify)
3. Does the organisation store its rostering data on its own servers or in the Cloud? Again please provide this information for each of the following staffing groups:
a. Medical & Dental
b. Nursing & Midwifery
c. AHPs
d. Other (please specify)
4. What other rota management systems are used by the organisation? Please state the names of any providers used and what they are used for.
5. Please state the name(s) of all third party tech solutions used by the organisation to manage internal bank staff (Allocate, Liaison, Holt, Brookson etc.). Please split this by the following staffing groups:
a. Medical & Dental
b. Nursing & Midwifery
c. AHPs
d. Other (please specify)
Thank you for the time spent in dealing with this request. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

J Taylor

Paul, Diana,

1 Attachment

Please see attached acknowledgement of your request.



Diana Paul

Personal Assistant to:

Sam Simpson Director of Finance


Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust

Chorlton House

70 Manchester Road


Manchester, M21 9UN


Tel: 0161 882 1381

Fax: 0161 882 1090




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exemptions in the Act.

Paul, Diana,

1 Attachment

Please see attached response to your enquiry.




Diana Paul

Personal Assistant to:

Sam Simpson Director of Finance


Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust

Chorlton House

70 Manchester Road


Manchester, M21 9UN


Tel: 0161 882 1381

Fax: 0161 882 1090




DISCLAIMER: This e-mail and any attached files are confidential
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The opinions expressed in this email represent the views of the sender,
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exemptions in the Act.