Dear Mr Knights
I have the additional information you requested.
110 sessions were taught during week beginning 4th December of which 13
were take...
Please find attached the response to your FOI
Kind Regards
Ali Dacey
Ty Sign Primary
Ty Sign Primary School
Elm Dive
In response to the freedom of Information request received on 13th November 2017.
Information regarding lessons taught week beginning 13th November....
In reply to the following request:
From: Richard Knights <[1][FOI #451841 email]>
Date: 11 December 2017 at 05:39
Subject: Freedom of Information re...
Dear Mr. Knights,
Please find below the information that you requested in your email of
Talycopa Primary School
Response to FOI un...
Dear Richard,
I can provide the information regarding January 15th although, as previously explained, our school day does not fit into the typical 'le...
For the attention of Richard Knights
Please find attached details as requested regarding lessons taught and the
use of unqualified staff for the spe...
Dear Richard Knights,
Please find attached the information you requested.
Kind Regards
Cila Primary School
FO I Request – Use of unqualif...
Dear Mr Knight,
Please see attached the response to your request.
Kindest regards
Bethan Peterson
Whitestone Prim...
Sent on behalf of the Headteacher of St Martin’s School
To: Richard Knights
Further to your Freedom of Information request:
For the w...
Anna M Bolt
Glyncollen Primary School
FOI unqualified staff Richard Knights request 14 th Dec 2017 Glyncollen Pri...
As requested
Kind Regards
Fran Daniels
Office Manager
Sketty Primary School
Llwynmawr Close
Tel: 01792 200140
FOI unqualifi...
Afternoon, to whom it may concern,
Please find attached the requested information.
Helen Houston-Phillips
[1]helen signature
22 lessons . 0 unqualified staff took a lesson .
From: Richard Knights <...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning December 4th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for tho...