Use of unqualified staff
Dear Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire,
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for those five school days.
The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors, teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken by students on a teacher training course.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Knights
Dear Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire,
Please could you respond to this request. I have asked for an internal review to give you more time.
Please note, it is a legal requirement to respond to Freedom of Information requests.
If there is a problem with retrieving information from the week of November 13th please use a more recent week.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Knights
Good Afternoon
I ask kindly that you forward a copy of the initial enquiry as you may or
may not be aware we have been experiencing a number of security issues
with our e.mail system and don't seem to have received the original
Upon receipt I will forward the information requested.
Thank you
Carys Davies
Swyddog Cyllid a Busnes/Business & Finance Officer
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant.
01554 750081
[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]
From: "Richard Knights" <[FOI #446666 email]>
To: "FOI requests at Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School,
Carmarthenshire" <[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]>
Sent: Saturday, 16 December, 2017 06:12:53
Subject: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Use of
unqualified staff
Dear Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire,
Please could you respond to this request. I have asked for an internal
review to give you more time.
Please note, it is a legal requirement to respond to Freedom of
Information requests.
If there is a problem with retrieving information from the week of
November 13th please use a more recent week.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Knights
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #446666 email]
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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Dewisant Admin,
Original request
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for those five school days.
The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors, teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken by students on a teacher training course.
If it would be easier please send details for week beginning January 15th 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Knights
Dear Dewisant Admin,
This request is now long overdue.
If you do respond by March 12th I will have to make a formal complaint.
Please note, it is a legal requirement to respond to Freedom of Information requests.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Knights
Good Morning
Could you please send the details of the original request through to
myself once again please and I will respond as a matter of urgency.
As explained in my earlier email, (please see below)
Diolch yn fawr
Carys Davies
Swyddog Cyllid a Busnes/Business & Finance Officer
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant.
01554 750081
[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]
From: "Richard Knights" <[FOI #446666 email]>
To: "Dewisant Admin" <[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]>
Sent: Friday, 16 February, 2018 08:02:42
Subject: Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Use of
unqualified staff
Dear Dewisant Admin,
This request is now long overdue.
If you do respond by March 12th I will have to make a formal complaint.
Please note, it is a legal requirement to respond to Freedom of
Information requests.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Knights
Dear Dewisant Admin,
Original request was see below. If you do not have the information for that week please use a more recent one.
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for those five school days.
The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors, teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken by students on a teacher training course.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Knights
Good Afternoon,
We provide our students with 4 lessons per day per class. We have 15
classes at the school.
During the week commencing the 13th November 2017, 60 lessons were
presented at the school from Nursery through to year 6. Thus bringing the
weekly total of lessons to 300.
From these 300 lessons, 40 of them were delivered by L4 teaching
assistants who provide PPA cover at the school.
I hope this answers your query.
Thank you
Carys Davies
Swyddog Cyllid a Busnes/Business & Finance Officer
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant.
01554 750081
[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]
From: "Richard Knights" <[FOI #446666 email]>
To: "Dewisant Admin" <[Gymraeg Dewi Sant Community Primary School, Carmarthenshire request email]>
Sent: Sunday, 18 February, 2018 06:48:54
Subject: Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Use of
unqualified staff
Dear Dewisant Admin,
Original request was see below. If you do not have the information for
that week please use a more recent one.
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons
taught in the school for those five school days.
The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and
unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors,
teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken
by students on a teacher training course.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Knights
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