Use of Unqualified Staff

The request was successful.

Dear Crownbridge Special School, Torfaen,
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for those five school days.

The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors, teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken by students on a teacher training course.

Yours faithfully,

Angela Sandles

Dear Crownbridge Special School, Torfaen,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Crownbridge Special School, Torfaen's handling of my FOI request 'Use of Unqualified Staff'.

By law, I should have received a reply promptly and by the 15th December. Please can you review my request?

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Angela Sandles

Bush Lesley, Crownbridge Special Day School, Torfaen



I will reply in detail on Monday when school re-opens for the Spring term.
I will need to refer to staff attendance and supply records to confirm
arrangements for the specific week you have identified.

We are a special school with a curriculum framework and organisation that
is similar to a mainstream foundation phase  / departments. Lessons are
presented  as sessions, with time allocated over a day or week rather to
specific lessons.

I will be in touch with more information on Monday 8^th Jan 2018.

I hope this is satisfactory.




(Phone/Ffon: 01633 624201 /02)

Email: [1][email address]

Crownbridge School

Turnpike Road, Cwmbran Torfaen NP44 2BJ



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Council welcomes correspondence in Welsh and English. Correspondence
received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh and will not lead to any
Mae’r Cyngor yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Cewch ateb
Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd yn arwain i unrhyw oedi.'


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Kempton Sue, Crownbridge Special Day School, Torfaen

Good morning Angela,


For the week commencing Monday 13^th November 2017, one qualified teacher
was absent.  This teacher was absent for 5 days, Monday 13^th to Friday
17^th November 2017 and was covered by an Higher Level Teaching
Assistant.  Total number of sessions would be 25 for the week.


Kind regards.




Sue Kempton

Senior School Support Officer Admin, Communications & HR

( Phone/Ffon: 01633 624201 Extension 2419

: Email/Ebost: [1][email address]

,   Crownbridge School / Ysgol Crownbridge

      Turnpike Road, Cwmbran Torfaen NP44 2BJ



show quoted sections

Council welcomes correspondence in Welsh and English. Correspondence
received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh and will not lead to any
Mae’r Cyngor yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Cewch ateb
Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd yn arwain i unrhyw oedi.'


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Ms Kempton,
Thank you for your reply, for our records please could you let me know how many lessons were taught in the school in total that week?

Yours sincerely,

Angela Sandles

Kempton Sue, Crownbridge Special Day School, Torfaen


25 lessons per week.



Sue Kempton
Senior School Support Officer Admin, Communications & HR
SSPhone/Ffon: 01633 624201 Extension 2419
EEEmail/Ebost: [email address]
S Crownbridge School / Ysgol Crownbridge
Turnpike Road, Cwmbran Torfaen NP44 2BJ

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