Use of Unqualified Staff
Dear Lewis Girls Comprehensive School, Ystrad Mynach,
Please could you supply the following information-
For the week beginning November 13th 2017. The total number of lessons taught in the school for those five school days.
The total number of lessons where a qualified teacher was not present and unqualified staff were there during the lesson i.e., cover supervisors, teaching assistants. Please note this should NOT include any lessons taken by students on a teacher training course.
Yours faithfully,
Angela Sandles
Dear Lewis Girls Comprehensive School, Ystrad Mynach,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Lewis Girls' Comprehensive School, Ystrad Mynach's handling of my FOI request 'Use of Unqualified Staff'.
By law, I should have received a reply to this request by the 12th December, please can you review the request?
Thank you in anticipation
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Angela Sandles
School is closed for half term and this email account will not be
monitored until the school reopens on Monday the 6th of November
Dear Ms Sandles
Thank you for your email received 30 December 2017. Please find attached
an acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information request.
I apologise but this is the first Lewis Girls’ School is aware of your
request. I will however endeavour to provide the information requested as
soon as possible – certainly by Wednesday 10^th January.
With regards
Angela Griffiths
Business Manager
Lewis Girls’ School / Ysgol Gyfun Lewis I Ferched
Oakfield Street
Ystrad Mynach
CF82 7WW
Phone / Ffon: 01443 813168 / 07818 036940
E-mail / E-bost: [email address]
Dear Ms Sandles
Further to my earlier email, please find attached the response from Lewis
Girls’ School to your Freedom of Information request.
On behalf of the school, may I apologise for the delay in supplying the
information to you.
With regards
Angela Griffiths
Business Manager
Lewis Girls’ School / Ysgol Gyfun Lewis I Ferched
Oakfield Street
Ystrad Mynach
CF82 7WW
Phone / Ffon: 01443 813168 / 07818 036940
E-mail / E-bost: [email address]
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