Use of Oracle Products

The request was successful.

Dear NHS National Services Scotland,

1. Do you currently make use of any Oracle products? If so, which?
2. What is the quantity of licensed users split by each Oracle product used by your organisation?
3. What is the value of your current Oracle contracts, split by product?
4. Do you outsource your Oracle projects, services or maintenance to an external supplier? If so, whom? When does that contract expire?
5. In 2013, the Cabinet Office appointed an Open Standards Board to drive the use of Open Source across Government. Which Open Source databases have you (a) deployed since 2013 and (b) have firm plans to deploy within the next 18 months as alternatives to Oracle products?

Please note, by Oracle products I mean commercially licensed Oracle software products, for example any of the Oracle Database products ( or any of their Middleware products such as Oracle WebLogic.

David Clark


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1 Attachment

Dear Mr Clark

Thank you for your email of 11 August appended below.

Please find enclosed reply for your attention.


Liz Pennycook
Performance & Communications Lead/ EA/A Robertson
Performance & Business Support
NSS Information Technology SBU

NHS National Services Scotland
Meridian Court
5 Cadogan Street
G2 6QE
T: 0131 275 7168
M: 07899 876817

From: david.clark [mailto:[FOI #285274 email]]
Sent: 11 August 2015 10:06
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Use of Oracle Products

Dear NHS National Services Scotland,

1. Do you currently make use of any Oracle products? If so, which?
2. What is the quantity of licensed users split by each Oracle product used by your organisation?
3. What is the value of your current Oracle contracts, split by product?
4. Do you outsource your Oracle projects, services or maintenance to an external supplier? If so, whom? When does that contract expire?
5. In 2013, the Cabinet Office appointed an Open Standards Board to drive the use of Open Source across Government. Which Open Source databases have you (a) deployed since 2013 and (b) have firm plans to deploy within the next 18 months as alternatives to Oracle products?

Please note, by Oracle products I mean commercially licensed Oracle software products, for example any of the Oracle Database products ( or any of their Middleware products such as Oracle WebLogic.

David Clark


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[FOI #285274 email]

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