Use of Oracle Products

The request was successful.

Dear National Archives,

1. Do you currently make use of any Oracle products? If so, which?
2. What is the quantity of licensed users split by each Oracle product used by your organisation?
3. What is the value of your current Oracle contracts, split by product?
4. Do you outsource your Oracle projects, services or maintenance to an external supplier? If so, whom? When does that contract expire?
5. In 2013, the Cabinet Office appointed an Open Standards Board to drive the use of Open Source across Government. Which Open Source databases have you (a) deployed since 2013 and (b) have firm plans to deploy within the next 18 months as alternatives to Oracle products?

Please note, by Oracle products I mean commercially licensed Oracle software products, for example any of the Oracle Database products ( or any of their Middleware products such as Oracle WebLogic.

Please treat this as three individual Freedom of Information requests covering National Archives, Office of Public Sector Information and HM Stationery Office. In other words, please provide information for each, but separate each agency's data.

Yours faithfully,
David Clark

foienquiry, National Archives

Dear Mr Clark,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in answering your request.The
late dispatch of this message was the result of an adminsitrative error.

Thank you for your enquiry of 14th August 2015, in which you asked for the
following information about the use of Oracle products at The National

Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

I can confirm that The National Archives holds information relevant to
your request.

We are pleased to be able to provide this information to you.

1. Do you currently make use of any Oracle products? If so, which?

The National Archives makes use of the following Oracle products:

- Oracle Database Standard Edition One
- Oracle Solaris Cluster, Enterprise Edition
- StorageTek Storage Archive Manager
- StorageTek Tape Analytics

2. What is the quantity of licensed users split by each Oracle product
used by your organisation?

The National Archives has 40 licensed users for the Oracle Database
Standard Edition One. All other Oracle products are not licensed by the

3. What is the value of your current Oracle contracts, split by product?

The values of our current Oracle products are as follows:

- Oracle Database Standard Edition One - 1263.96 ex VAT
- Oracle Solaris Cluster, Enterprise Edition - 5083.41 ex VAT
- StorageTek Storage Archive Manager - 17022.78 ex VAT
- StorageTek Tape Analytics - 979.74 ex VAT

4. Do you outsource your Oracle projects, services or maintenance to an
external supplier? If so, whom? When does that contract expire?

Maintenance for the Oracle Database Standard Edition One product is
provided directly by Oracle. Maintenance for the Oracle Solaris Cluster,
Enterprise Edition, StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek Tape
Analytics products is outsourced to SCC (Specialist Computer Centres PLC).
The contract for these products expires during Q4 of FY2015-16.

5. In 2013, the Cabinet Office appointed an Open Standards Board to drive
the use of Open Source across Government. Which Open Source databases have
you (a) deployed since 2013 and (b) have firm plans to deploy within the
next 18 months as alternatives to Oracle products?

Since 2013 The National Archives have deployed a MySQL database in the
development environment. The National Archives have no firm plans during
the next 18 months to deploy this in the test or production environments.

In your request you also asked for the above information in relation to
the Office of Public Sector Information and HM Stationery Office. The
National Archives is a government department and an executive agency of
the Ministry of Justice. We incorporate the Office of Public Sector
Information and Her Majesty's Stationery Office. The trading operations of
HMSO were privatised in 1996 with the policy remit remaining within
government in the Cabinet Office.  HMSO, as part of the Office of Public
Sector Information, merged with The National Archives in 2006 when they
transferred from the Cabinet Office. The responsibilities sit within the
wider National Archives and the Information Policy and Services
Directorate. I can confirm that they do not use any Oracle products so no
additional information is held by them.

If you would like to learn more about the role of The National Archives
please visit the following page:


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request or the decision
which has been reached, you have the right to ask for an internal
review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within two months of
the date of this response and should be addressed to:

Quality Manager
Public Services Development Unit
The National Archives
[email address]

Please mark your complaint clearly.  You have the right to ask the
Information Commissioner (ICO) to investigate any aspect of your
complaint.  However, please note that the ICO is likely to expect internal
complaints procedures to have been exhausted before beginning his

Yours sincerely,

Conor Gregan

FOI Assessor
Freedom of Information Centre
Information Management and Practice Department
The National Archives

Explanatory Annex

Your request in full

Dear National Archives,

1. Do you currently make use of any Oracle products? If so, which?
2. What is the quantity of licensed users split by each Oracle product
used by your organisation?
3. What is the value of your current Oracle contracts, split by product?
4. Do you outsource your Oracle projects, services or maintenance to an
external supplier? If so, whom? When does that contract expire?
5. In 2013, the Cabinet Office appointed an Open Standards Board to drive
the use of Open Source across Government. Which Open Source databases have
you (a) deployed since 2013 and (b) have firm plans to deploy within the
next 18 months as alternatives to Oracle products?

Please note, by Oracle products I mean commercially licensed Oracle
software products, for example any of the Oracle Database products
( or any of their Middleware
products such as Oracle WebLogic.

Please treat this as three individual Freedom of Information requests
covering National Archives, Office of Public Sector Information and HM
Stationery Office. In other words, please provide information for each,
but separate each agency's data.

Yours faithfully,

David Clark

If you would like to contact us again regarding
this request, please contact the helpdesk:

via e-mail: By replying to this e-mail
or (020 8876 3444)
Remember to quote your call reference number: F0042996 in any
correspondence, as this will assist us in providing you with a
quick response.

Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

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