Use of cloud analytics / extraction

The request was refused by North Wales Police.

Dear North Wales Police,

I am aware that companies are selling technologies to law enforcement that allow them to take vast quantities of personal data from cloud-based apps and accounts. You can read more [

I make the following request for documents/information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. Do you use mobile phone extraction technology that includes cloud analytics / cloud extraction capabilities e.g. Cellebrite UFED Cloud Analyser, Magnet Axiom Cloud or Oxygen Forensics Cloud Extractor

2. Do you have other technologies that allow you to access cloud-based accounts and extract this data.

3. Please provide a copy of the relevant Data Protection Impact Assessment.

4. Please provide a copy of the relevant local and/or national guidance/standard operating procedure/policy.

5. Please confirm the legal basis you rely on to conduct cloud analytics/extraction.

Yours faithfully,

Abdul Hai

Freedom of Information Team, North Wales Police

2 Attachments

Dear Abdul Hai,

Enquiry Ref: 2020/130

I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request.


As set out by the Freedom of Information Act, it will be our aim to
respond to your request by 02/03/2020.

If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,


P.P. Ceri Hollingworth

Swyddog Hawliau Gwybodaeth/Information Rights Officer

Safonau Gwybodaeth a Chydymffurfiaeth/Information Standards & Compliance

Chyllid a Adnoddau/Finance & Resources

Ffôn /Phone: 01492 805430 

Est/ Ext: 05430

E-bost/ E-mail [1][email address]




Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg – byddwn yn ymateb
yn gyfartal i’r ddau ac yn ateb yn eich dewis iaith heb oedi. 

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English – we will respond equally
to both and will reply in your language of choice without delay.



Please note: we will process your personal data (i.e. your name, address,
email address, your request etc.) to record and respond to your freedom of
information request/s and provide cross-government advice, support and
co-ordination in responding to freedom of information requests. This data
will be held for two years, plus the current year.



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Freedom of Information Team, North Wales Police

2 Attachments

Dear Abdul Hai,


Enquiry Ref: 2020/130

I acknowledge receipt of your email received on 01/02/2020 requesting the
following information;


Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act states that a request must be
in writing; provide the name of the applicant and an address for
correspondence; and, describe the information requested.  In order for a
request to be valid under Section 8 the applicant must use his or her real
name, rather than a pseudonym.


Therefore, please can you provide us with proof of ID?


To enable us to respond to your request please provide the details
requested above or alternatively indicate how we may otherwise assist you.


Unfortunately we are unable to research your request until we have
received this information and the clock will be stopped pending receipt of
your response.
If you would like to discuss this matter please do not hesitate to contact

Yours sincerely,


P.P. Ceri Hollingworth

Swyddog Hawliau Gwybodaeth/Information Rights Officer

Safonau Gwybodaeth a Chydymffurfiaeth/Information Standards & Compliance

Chyllid a Adnoddau/Finance & Resources

Ffôn /Phone: 01492 805430 

Est/ Ext: 05430

E-bost/ E-mail [1][email address]




Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg – byddwn yn ymateb
yn gyfartal i’r ddau ac yn ateb yn eich dewis iaith heb oedi. 

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English – we will respond equally
to both and will reply in your language of choice without delay.




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Freedom of Information Team,

Please see this for details.

Yours sincerely,

Abdul Hai

Freedom of Information Team, North Wales Police

3 Attachments

Dear Abdul Hai,


In response to your Freedom of Information request dated 01/02/2020 sent
to North Wales Police, I would like to point out the following:


The Freedom of Information Act is a piece of legislation which quite
rightly opens up public authorities to greater scrutiny and


Under the provision of the Act an authority must process a request in
writing from a named applicant under the terms and conditions of the
legislation.  Whilst giving maximum support to individuals genuinely
seeking to exercise the right to know, the Commissioner’s general approach
will be sympathetic towards authorities where request can be characterised
as being part of a campaign.  Therefore, with regard to this request we
are issuing a Section 14(1) Vexatious Refusal Notice.  Please be aware
that any future requests asking for the same information and from the same
named individuals will attract this exemption.


I have also attached a copy of our review procedure should you not be
happy with our response.




P.P. Ceri Hollingworth

Swyddog Hawliau Gwybodaeth/Information Rights Officer

Safonau Gwybodaeth a Chydymffurfiaeth/Information Standards & Compliance

Chyllid a Adnoddau/Finance & Resources

Ffôn /Phone: 01492 805430 

Est/ Ext: 05430

E-bost/ E-mail [1][email address]




Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg – byddwn yn ymateb
yn gyfartal i’r ddau ac yn ateb yn eich dewis iaith heb oedi. 

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English – we will respond equally
to both and will reply in your language of choice without delay.




Oeddech chi’n gwybod bod modd i chi gael mynediad i wybodaeth am Heddlu
Gogledd Cymru drwy Gynllun Cyhoeddi a Log Datgeliadau Heddlu Gogledd
Cymru?  Mae’r ddau ar gael drwy’r dolenni cyswllt isod:


Did you know you can access information about North Wales Police via the
North Wales Police Publication Scheme and the North Wales Police
Disclosure Log?  Both are available via the below links:






Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]