Requests similar to 'Use of Agency Social Workers'

Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Bradford City Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council by Jack Allerton on .


Use of Agency Social Workers Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified soc...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Derby City Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Bradford City Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Derbyshire County Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Doncaster Borough Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to East Riding of Yorkshire Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Use of Agency Social Workers
Request sent to Hull City Council by Jack Allerton on .


Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 1 – The number of qualified social workers who are working on...
Dear Ms Soeder, Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request. Kind regards, Governance Tea...
Towns Fund - Morley
Response by Leeds City Council to Malcolm Knight on .


Requests Team Information Management & Governance Leeds City Council PO Box 837 LS1 9PZ Tel: 0113 3784251 Email: [email address] Our reference:...
Dear Ms Ilieska,   Re: Committee Meeting Minutes   I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 10 January 2023. Our respo...
Dear Applicant Re: FOI Ref Number N328 Date of request 28/09/2023 Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request, which read: The Equality Ac...
Dear Mr Wyllie, Thank you for your information request dated 11th May 2010. Please find attached in relation to your request for copies of SCCYP Ma...
Dear Mr Ingram   Please see the attached reply to your request about Freedom of Information requests received by the Home Office.  I am very sorry...
Educational Concerns
Response by Wolverhampton City Council to J Carter on .

Partially successful

Dear J Carter FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information about ‘elective home education’.  Your request was receive...
Dear Ms A Smith Request under Freedom of Information Act 2000 REF: FOI/1112/191 Thank you for your request for information which we received on 3rd M...
Governors Minutes
Response by Aylsham High School, Norwich to Michael Larter on .


Afternoon Mr Larter, Please find attached the relevant information requested for Aylsham Learning Federation.  We believe this request has been made...
Library Catalogue
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Cross on .


Dear Mr Cross Find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Data Access and Compliance Unit. <<FOI 696...
Freedom of Information Request Reference: FOI 101006651087 Dear Applicant, Please consider this as our formal response to your information request wh...
FAO J Sampson I am responding to your recent request for copies of approved minutes of full governing body meetings for 2020 to 2022 to date on behal...
Money borrowed, grants etc
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Gerard Flynn on .


Dear Mr Flynn Email four of documents. This is the final email. Kind regards Mrs L Whitehead Information Governance Team Governance and Partnership...
Use of Scrutiny Call-In Mechanism
Response by Derbyshire County Council to Research for Action on .

Partially successful

Dear Megan Waugh, Please see response to your FOI request, I will send it in 2 parts due its size and the number of documents attached this is part...
YOT Board Minutes
Response by North Lincolnshire Council to Benny Faversham on .


Dear Mr Faversham Please find below the council's response to your recent Freedom of Information Request and also our Internal Review Report, in res...
Dear Ermine, Thank you for your email. Please see letter below and pdf attachment from the letter sent on 31st August 2021. Our Ref: CD/DB/DS/FOI IC...