Usage of electric car charging points
Dear Oxford City Council,
Could you please advise if the Council keeps any records of how often electric car charging points installed/paid for by it have been used? If so can these records please be provided.
Thank you for your assistance,
James Halinson
Dear James,
Thank you for your email. You will receive a response within 20 working days from the date of your request, as required under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Yours sincerely
Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30
Hello James,
Can I just clarify a couple of points with you, please?
Please can you clarify the time period of data you require?
Also, we have only partly paid for points as they were substantially paid for by grant funding. Does you require information for points only part paid by us?
Best wishes
FOI 6762
Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30
Hello James,
I note I have still not received a clarification from you regarding my email dated 18 September 2017. Do you still wish to proceed with your request and if so, may I have your clarification by Friday 20 October, please?
Many thanks and best wishes
FOI 6762
Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30
Dear Merilyn,
Apologies for the delay in responding
> Please can you clarify the time period of data you require?
From 2014 to present if this is available.
> Also, we have only partly paid for points as they were substantially paid for by grant funding. Does you require information for points only part paid by us?
Yes that is correct, only points which were in some way subsidised and for which you have data
Yours sincerely,
James Halinson
Dear Merilyn,
I would appreciate a response to my previous email dated 20th November regarding the usage of electric car charging points in Oxford
Thank you for your assistance with this.
James Halinson
Dear James,
Thank you for your email. I'm afraid as I didn't receive an email to my request for clarification (attached) I have been unable to process your FOI. As soon as I receive this clarification, I will continue to locate the documentation you requested.
Best wishes
Ref 6792
Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30
Dear James,
Please find attached, the information we hold, with respect to your FOI request 6762. The data covers 2014 to 2017. Chargers was installed in 2014-2015.
Please do let me know if this does not cover all the information requested, and I hope this is still of use to you despite the delay in providing it, for which I apologise.
Best wishes
Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30
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