US GEC research
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
I am writing under the FOI Act to ask whether FCO have knowledge of any US government sponsored research/target audience analysis (for example led by the Global Engagement Center or US state department, conducted by contractors) within the UK for counter-terrorism or counter-extremism. I would like to see any emails, memos, reports or other information/meetings discussing this. I would be grateful if you could please include: people involved and particularly whether/when any such activities might have been briefed and approved by the Foreign Office. Please search only August 2016-March 2018. I greatly appreciate your assistance and time.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Thank you for your email to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
In order for us to be able to assist you with your request and best direct
any search please could you refine the scope of your request. As
currently drafted your request is too broad and burdensome under the FOIA
and we would be unable to proceed with it.
Would it be possible for you to refine your request and specify a
particular area of counter terrorism or counter extremism research you are
interested in? You may also consider refining to a particular [1]UK
mission in the US to bring your request within the FOIA statutory time
limit allowed. Any further detail or background on the research you are
seeking will help us identify the correct department quicker.
Once we receive your revised request we will consider it and the
appropriate course of action.
We should note that if we do not hear back from you within 10 working days
we will close your FOI enquiry. You may resubmit a new FOI request via
this inbox anytime.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
Thank you for your reply requesting I refine the scope of my request. To further narrow this down - I am requesting any emails, memos, reports or other information/meetings discussing US State Department led and funded target audience analysis led by the Global Engagement Center and conducted by contractors for counter-terrorism or counter-extremism communications involving audiences located within the UK. I would be grateful if you could please include: people involved and particularly whether/when any such activities might have been briefed and approved by the Foreign Office. Please search only August 2016-March 2018. I greatly appreciate your assistance and time.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant
Thank you for your FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
It has been assigned a unique reference number (above) and has been passed
to the relevant section within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal
with. They will be in touch with you should your request need
We received your request on 06 September 2019 and will aim to respond
within 20 working days, following date of receipt.
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Dr Briant,
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely
Counter Terrorism Department
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
This email is intended for the addressee(s) only. All messages sent and
received by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office may be monitored in line
with relevant [1]UK legislation
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