Up to date email and phone number list

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Anthony, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council,

I have been tasked with updating our records within Children & Families social work teams for Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council.

Can you please supply me with an up to date email and phone number list of social work teams comprising of Service Managers, Commissioning Managers, Safeguarding Managers, YOT Managers, LAC Managers and Social Workers within all geographical areas of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council.

I have tried to find this information on your website but have been unsuccessful.

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,


Freedom of Information, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Anthony


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.  In order for us to log
your request I would be grateful if you could submit your full name.  This
is following ICO guidelines, please see below.


Section 8 states that a request for information should state the name of
the applicant.


NOTE: This is not an Is this a valid What would the ICO’s approach likely
exhaustive list. request? to be?


The applicant only No Albeit that the Act only states that
uses one name e.g. “the” name of the applicant is
Adrian or initials required rather than ‘the full’ name
e.g. S.P.H. of the applicant, the Commissioner
would not consider it unreasonable to
ask for a full name to be provided.
This is also appropriate given that
it could lead to unnecessary
confusion/delay/possible data
protection breaches if applicants
cannot be distinguished from one




Kindest regards,


Customer Liaison Team

Knowsley Council

Archway Road




L36 9UX




show quoted sections

Dear Freedom of Information,

Thank you for your response, my full name is Anthony Lowton.

Yours sincerely,


Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

FOI Request Response

Dear Requester,

Further to your request, please find attached a link to the council’s
constitution and related roles which appear in the public domain.  Please
refer to Part 3, Section 4, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Part 3,
Section 5, Proper Officers and Part 7, Management Structure currently
available via [1]this link.

Please note that we do not disclose any information regarding roles not in
the public domain under Section 40 of the FOI Act.

Kind regards,

Customer Liaison Team

Knowsley Council

Archway Road




L36 9UX
Customer Liaison Team
Knowsley Council
Archway Road
L36 9UX


Visible links
1. http://councillors.knowsley.gov.uk/ecCat...
2. http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/