University Unions
Dear University of Manchester,
Does your University recognise any Trade Unions ?
If so which ones ?
Do you have a Facilities Agreement with them ? If so can you please supply a copy.
If you have Trade Unions do they have the same representation as your Student Union ? Do they sit on the same committees, groups etc. ?
Please can you supply a list if so, of what your Student Union attend / sit on and then what your Trade Union(s) sit on (if their is a discrepancy).
Yours faithfully,
Rev. N Robert J
Dear Sir
I acknowledge receipt of your request under section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I confirm that I am today sending details of your request to the relevant department at The University of Manchester and you will be contacted as soon as we receive a response.
Your request is being handled by the member of staff detailed below. If you have any queries regarding your request, please contact this person.
Mr Alan Carter
Records Manager
Information Governance Office
The University of Manchester
Room G.6 Christie Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 8111
Email: [email address]
Mary Clare l Information Officer l Information Governance Office l The University of Mancheser l Room G.6 Christie Building l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l Telephone: 0161 275 5782 l Email: [email address]
Dear Rev Roberts
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to Trade Unions at The
University of Manchester and please find our response below and attached:
Does your University recognise any Trade Unions?
If so which ones?
Do you have a Facilities Agreement with them? If so can you please supply
a copy.
An agreement has been made with UNISON (Copy attached).
If you have Trade Unions do they have the same representation as your
Student Union?
Do they (Trade Unions) sit on the same committees, groups etc?
Trade Unions
All three Trade Unions sit on the Trade Union Negotiating Group (TUNG)
with University Human Resources Management
UCU also meet with Senior Management/HR at the UCU/University Negotiating
Student Union
There are student representatives on programme/discipline level
Staff-Student Liaison Committees, School Boards and Faculty Teaching and
Learning Committees-see link below.
In terms of bodies referred to in Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations;
o Board of Governors- General Secretary of the SU
o Senate- Five student members
o General Assembly- Six student members, including the Gen Sec of the SU
Finance Committee- Gen Sec of the SU Planning and Resources Committee-
Gen Sec of the SU Student Conduct and Disciplinary Committee- two
officers of the SU Student Disciplinary Panels- registered student
nominated by the SU Disciplinary Appeal Boards- registered student
nominated by the SU Complaints Panels- representative of the SU
Academic Appeals Panels- student member nominated by the SU.
None of the bodies named above have places reserved specifically for trade
union members (although of course members of trade unions may be
appointed/elected to these bodies)
With best regards
Lisa Crawley
Dr Lisa Crawley l Records Officer l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l Professional Support Services |
Room G6 Christie Building l Compliance & Risk Management Office l The
University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
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