University resources
Dear University of Manchester,
Does the University have a Gartner subscription?
If so who is the primary user ? Name and Job Title
How much does the subscription cost?
When is the expiry date for the subscription?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Ashaaf
I am writing to acknowledge your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. The University of Manchester will respond to you within 20
working days.
Best wishes
Holly Haslam|Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Support Services | G6
Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road |
Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 275 5782 | [1]
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Dear Ashraaf,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 16 August 2018 which was as follows (numbered for ease):
1. Does the University have a Gartner subscription?
2. If so who is the primary user ? Name and Job Title
3. How much does the subscription cost?
4. When is the expiry date for the subscription?
The University has now considered your request and some of the information
you are seeking can be found below.
1. Yes.
2. Director of IT, Malcolm Whitehouse.
3. This information is deemed to be exempt from disclosure by virtue
of the listed exemption at Section 43 (2) – Commercial Interests. As this
is a prejudice-based exemption, we are required to conduct a public
interest test. Further details of this follow the remainder of the
4. July 2019.
Section 43 (2) exempts information from release where its disclosure under
the Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests
of any person, including those of the public authority holding the
information. Commercial interests may be prejudiced where a disclosure
would be likely to:
o Damage its business reputation or the confidence that customers,
suppliers or investors may have in it.
o Have a detrimental impact on its commercial revenue or threaten its
ability to obtain supplies or secure finance.
o Weaken its position in a competitive environment by revealing market
sensitive information or information of potential usefulness to its
The University of Manchester is happy to disclose that we have a
preferential arrangement with Gartner, involving better than published
rates, and as a public authority this represents value for money to the
public. However it is the view of The University of Manchester that the
public interest is not furthered by disclosing the exact rates that we
pay. This is because, were we to disclose this information, we would be
likely to prejudice the commercial relationship we have with Gartner,
which would affect our ability to obtain preferential rates and value
added elements from them in the future. It would also be likely to
prejudice Gartner’s commercial interests in relation to the contracts they
have with their other customers.
Factors for disclosure
There is public interest in disclosing the cost so that the public can be
sure that we are spending money appropriately and that we are achieving
value for money.
Factors against disclosure
By disclosing the information, the University’s ability to maintain
preferential rates is likely to be affected. This could result in more
money having to be spent by the University in the future.
Balancing Test
The University has concluded that at this present moment in time, the
balance lies in favour of withholding the information for the factors
outlined above.
This email serves to act as a refusal notice for this part of the request,
as per Section 17 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The University of Manchester Freedom of Information Act appeals procedure
If you feel that The University of Manchester has refused access to
information to which you are entitled, or has not dealt with your request
appropriately under the FOIA, you have a right of appeal.
An appeal in the first instance should be directed to the Information
Governance Office, contact details below. You should include:
· details of your initial request
· any other relevant information
The University will deal with your appeal within a reasonable time, and
will inform you of the projected time scale on receipt of your complaint.
You are also welcome to contact the Information Governance Office with
informal questions about the handling of your request.
After The University’s internal appeals procedure has been exhausted, you
have a further right of appeal to the Information Commissioner’s
Office. Details of this procedure can be found at [1]
Kind regards
Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Support Services | G6
Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road |
Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549| [2]
We are all responsible for protecting personal data held by the
University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before
you send your email. For further guidance see:
Confidentiality and Legal Privilege: The contents of this email and its
attachment(s) are confidential to the intended recipient and may be
legally privileged. It may not be disclosed, copied, forwarded, used or
relied upon by any person other than the intended addressee. If you
believe that you have received the email and its attachment(s) in error,
you must not take any action based on them, nor must you copy or show them
to anyone. Please respond to the sender and delete this email and its
attachment(s) from your system.
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