University of Westminster and BGI Genomics 2
Dear University of Westminster,
I am following up on my previous FoI where I asked for the details of any contracts with the company BGI Genomics, or any subsidiaries of BGI Group:
I would now like to ask for a list of any joint research agreements as well as contracts with BGI, because I believe there has been at least some joint research work conducted. This piece of research, which says it was "part of a bigger project for characterization of COVID-19 disease", seems to be a joint research project between BGI and Westminster. Please can you confirm if this was part of a joint research project between your university and BGI, and if there has been any other joint work carried out?
Yours faithfully,
John Lubbock
Dear John Lubbock,
Please find the acknowledgement of your recent request for information attached.
Malcolm Bacon
Information Compliance Manager
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Classified as Internal
Dear John Lubbock,
Please see attached the University's response to your recent request for information.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Gildersleve
Information Compliance Assistant
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
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Dear University of Westminster,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University of Westminster's handling of my FOI request 'University of Westminster and BGI Genomics 2'.
In response to my requesting clarification about a specific research agreement which I posted a link to, I have been told you hold no information, despite me putting the information in front of you:
'This piece of research, which says it was "part of a bigger project for characterization of COVID-19 disease", seems to be a joint research project between BGI and Westminster. Please can you confirm if this was part of a joint research project between your university and BGI, and if there has been any other joint work carried out?
I have asked a specific question here - can you tell me if this was part of a research project or not. The answer is yes or no. Either it was or was not, and it is not an acceptable response to simply say 'i don't know'. I am therefore pursuing this to get a straight answer to this straightforward question.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
John Lubbock
Dear John Lubbock,
Thank you for your email. The University acknowledges your request for an internal review and we hope to get back to you soon.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Gildersleve
Information Compliance Assistant
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
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This email and its attachments are intended for the above named only and may be confidential. If they have come to you in error you must not copy or show them to anyone, nor should you take any action based on them, other than to notify the error by replying to the sender. There is no intention to create any legally binding contract or other commitment through the use of this email.
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Dear John Lubbock,
Please see attached the University's response to your request for an internal review.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Gildersleve
Information Compliance Assistant
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
Email confidentiality notice
This email and its attachments are intended for the above named only and may be confidential. If they have come to you in error you must not copy or show them to anyone, nor should you take any action based on them, other than to notify the error by replying to the sender. There is no intention to create any legally binding contract or other commitment through the use of this email.
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