University of Health Sciences Antigua: 3.2 Years
Dear General Medical Council,
What is the number of "University of Health Sciences Antigua" graduates who completed their studies in 3.2 years and have registered with the GMC?
Yours faithfully,
Omar Mullah
Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.
Your receipt of this means that we have safely received your email.
We are currently receiving a high volume of requests and there will be a
delay in getting back to you with a further acknowledgement. We will do so
as soon as we can.
In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website: [1]Home - GMC (
Thank you
Information Access team
General Medical Council
Email: [2][GMC request email]
Working with doctors Working for patients
The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.
Dear Omar Mullah,
Your information request – IR1-3837219611
Thank you for your Email below dated 24^th February 2023.
How we will consider your request
We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.
Kind regards,
Alex Mason
Information Access Administrator
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Dear Omar,
Further to your email dated 24 February 2023, please could you clarify the
1. Whether you are requesting information on doctors who are currently
registered with a Primary Medical Qualification from the ‘University
of Health Sciences Antigua’ or doctors both current and historic
2. Whether 3.2 years refers to 3 years and 2 months or if this was a
typing error
I’d be grateful for a response before 28 March 2023.
Kind regards
Henna Janghir
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Email: [1][email address]
Tel: 0161 923 6710
Website: [2]
From: FOI
Sent: 28 February 2023 15:28
To: Alshareed Ahmed <[FOI #954225 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - University of Health
Sciences Antigua: 3.2 Years
Dear Omar Mullah,
Your information request – IR1-3837219611
Thank you for your Email below dated 24^th February 2023.
How we will consider your request
We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.
Kind regards,
Alex Mason
Information Access Administrator
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Dear Henna Janghir,
The request is regarding information on doctors who are currently
registered with a PMQ from the ‘University
of Health Sciences Antigua’ (or doctors both current and historic
registrants) who have completed the MD program in 3.2 years .
It is not a typing error. The reason I ask is because the university is advertising completeing the 4 year MD program in 3.2 calendar years, instead of 4 years. The purpose behind my request is to see if anyone successfully registered with GMC using the above untraditional way of qualifying.
I’d be grateful for a response before 28 March 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Alshareed Ahmed
Dear Alshareed,
Before I progress your request, please can you confirm whether your name is Omar Mullah as per your original email dated 24 February, or Alshareed Ahmed.
Kind regards,
Henna Janghir
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Email: [email address]
Tel: 0161 923 6710
Dear Henna Janghir,
My full name is Omar Alshareed Ahmed Mullah.
Yours sincerely,
Alshareed Ahmed
Dear Mr Mullah,
Your information request – IR1-3837219611
Thank you for your email dated 24 February 2023 requesting information
about the University of Health Sciences Antigua. I have considered your
request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
The [1]World Directory of Medical Schools states that the length of the
programme at the University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine
is 4 years and we would not register anyone who has completed their
studies in less than 4 years.
There are therefore no doctors currently registered with the GMC with a
Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) from this organisation where they have
completed their studies in less than 4 years.
I hope you find this information useful. If you have any further
questions, please contact [2][GMC request email].
Yours sincerely
Henna Janghir
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Email: [3][email address]
Tel: 0161 923 6710
Website: [4]
From: FOI
Sent: 28 February 2023 15:28
To: Alshareed Ahmed <[FOI #954225 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - University of Health
Sciences Antigua: 3.2 Years
Dear Omar Mullah,
Your information request – IR1-3837219611
Thank you for your Email below dated 24^th February 2023.
How we will consider your request
We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.
Kind regards,
Alex Mason
Information Access Administrator
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
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