04 August 2021
By email to:
Dear Yohannes Lowe,
I refer to your Freedom of Information request received on 22 July 2021 about University
hate convictions.
Details of any exemptions applied are below. Where any information is “not held”, this is
explained below. Those parts of the University’s response (together with the details of how
to ask the University to review the management of your request, or thereafter to seek a
review by the Scottish Information Commissioner, should you wish to do so – please see
below) constitutes the notice in writing that the information specified is not held by the
University which is required under section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
2002 (“FOISA”).
Your enquiry and the University’s response.
Please can you answer the following questions for the academic years of: 2018/9, 2019/20,
1) Over this time period, how many people (undergraduate students and postgraduate
students) applied to enrol to an undergraduate course at your university who was
found (either by self-declaration or when prompted to disclose any criminal
convictions) to have had a conviction for any sort of religious or racial hate crime
incident or abuse. Can you provide the information in terms of individuals applying to
enrol at your university to start at the beginning of these academic years. i.e. this
includes those applying in, say December 2017, for enrollment in 2018/9. I want to be
clear that I am asking about students who declare (or who have been found to have)
a criminal conviction, through their application to the University.
Information not held: There were no students who applied to the University in
academic sessions 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 who were found to have a
criminal conviction.
2) How many of the people identified in Q1 were subsequently allocated to live in
(university maintained/owned) residential settings (either in apartments or shared
accommodation blocks on campus, for example) with students who identified as
being from a 'BAME' background or a 'religious' background?
Information not held: There were no students allocated to live in (university
maintained/owned) residential settings (either in apartments or shared
accommodation blocks on campus) with students who identified as being from a
BAME or religious background.
This concludes the University’s response.
Your right to seek a review of how your information request was managed
If you are not satisfied with our response or our reasoning set out above, you have 40
working days in which to require a review of our decision. Any such request should be put in
writing and should be sent to the University Secretary, Abertay University, at the address
provided below. The request should:
(a) detail your request for a review of our decision to be undertaken
(b) describe the nature of your original request
(c) explain the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our response
University Secretary
Abertay University
Bell Street
Tel (01382) 308016
E-mail: x.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx.xx
If you remain dissatisfied with how your request for information has been dealt with, you also
have the right, in terms of section 47 of FOISA, and within 6 months, to apply to the Scottish
Information Commissioner for a decision as to whether we have handled your request
Information relating to your right to seek review is available from the Scottish Information
Commissioner's website:
http:/ www.itspublicknowledge.info
or by contacting the Scot ish Information Commissioner's Office at the following address:
Scottish Information Commissioner,
Kinburn Castle,
Doubledykes Road, St Andrews,
Fife KY16 9DS
Telephone: 01334 464610
Fax: 01334 464611
http:/ www.itspublicknowledge.info
Or via the SIC’s online appeals service:
http:/ www.itspublicknowledge.info/YourRights/Unhappywiththeresponse/AppealingtoCommi
If you are unhappy with the Commissioner’s decision, you also have the right to appeal
further to the Court of Session, on a point of law only, under section 56 of FOISA. Please
refer to the Commissioner’s website (details above) for further information about your right of
appeal to the Court of Session.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Processing
Abertay University
Abertay University is a registered Scottish charity, no. SC016040