University bus service subsidies

The request was successful.

Dear SRUC,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

I would like to know:

1. The subsidies provided by the university, to external bus companies operating university bus routes, for the last 5 complete academic years (2014/15 to 2018/19), broken down by the following where possible:
o Student travel
o University staff travel
o Any other subsidy provided
If the breakdown is not possible, a single subsidy figure for each academic year would be acceptable.

2. The expenditure on, and income from, any university provided bus services, including shuttle buses, for the last 5 complete academic years (2014/15 to 2018/19), broken down by the following where possible:
o Student travel
o University staff travel
o Bus staff salary
o Equipment costs, covering vehicles and facilities
o Any other operating costs
If the breakdown is not possible, a single expenditure and single income figure for each academic year would be acceptable.

3. The number of complaints received by the university regarding university bus services, for the last 5 complete academic years (2014/15 to 2018/19).

If the data is collected in financial years, rather than academic years, please do provide the information in this format, for the last 5 financial years (including 2018-19 if possible), making it clear which format has been used.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Hodgson

Devon Taylor, SRUC

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will reply
on my return. 

Please note my working days are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 

Kind regards


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A Charitable company limited by guarantee, Scottish Charity Number:
Registered in Scotland, Company Number: SC103046 - Registered Office:
Peter Wilson Building, King’s Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9
SAC Commercial Limited, an SRUC company
Registered in Scotland, Company Number: SC148684 - Registered Office:
Peter Wilson Building, King’s Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9

Devon Taylor, SRUC

1 Attachment

Dear Adam

I refer to your email below and attachment which has been treated as a request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Our reply: is attached.
Right to review: If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask SRUC to conduct a review of this decision. To do this please contact SRUC’s Professional Services Director in writing at [email address] or in some other recorded form (e.g. audio or video tape), describe the original request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this letter to submit a review request to us. When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Scottish Information Commissioner to intervene. Details of how to contact the Commissioner and to make an appeal can be found here:

Kind regards

Devon Taylor
Assistant Company Secretary
SRUC, Peter Wilson Building, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JG
T. 0131 535 4129 E. [email address]
Working hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs

SRUC: Leading the way in Agricultural and Rural Research, Education and Consultancy.
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