DWP Central Freedom of Information Team
Annex A
: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.g ov.uk
Our Ref: FoI 3911
DATE: 17 April 2018
Annex A
Dear Mr T Platt
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 20 September 2017. You asked:
‘Gateway conditions in 'live' service areas prevented people who were homeless or living in
supported accommodation from claiming universal credit. These conditions are lifted in the
'full' service, though supported accommodation residents cannot receive the housing element
of universal credit. Instead they continue to receive housing benefit for help with their housing
The universal credit application process relies on self-declaration by the applicant that they live
in supported accommodation. If this information is deliberately or accidently omitted, then the
universal credit award may be assessed to include the housing element.
Is there any procedure for decision makers to recognise when housing costs are for supported
accommodation and not eligible for universal credit housing element (apart from self-
declaration)? If so, please could you provide a copy of this.
As I understand, local authorities are notified of a universal credit housing element award via
form UC MGP1 (LA). A local authority will hold information on whether accommodation is
supported or not. Can the local authority continue to awarded housing benefit despite receipt
of the UC MGP1 (LA), returning this form to explain why the award has not been ended? If so,
please provide guidance confirming this.’
DWP Response
When someone declares housing costs and they are in Social Rented Sector Housing a rent
verification form is issued to the landlord for completion, and on return, housing costs are
calculated. On this form the landlord can indicate that the accommodation is specified
(formerly supported) accommodation.
When the form is returned a Case Manager would update Universal Credit to show that the
claimant is in specified (supported accommodation). No housing costs would then be paid. The
claimants benefit statement would confirm that UC would not pay housing costs.
If someone declares they are in Private Rented Housing they are asked to submit evidence of
their housing costs to their local Jobcentre. When verifying the evidence Work Coaches will
question the claimant to clarify the circumstances of their accommodation. Where the Work
Coach identifies that the claimant lives in Specified/Supported accommodation they are
advised to contact the Service Innovation Lead for their site. They will then confirm the
claimant’s details and signpost the claimant to the relevant Local Authority Housing Benefit
When someone makes a claim for UC and they indicate that they are in receipt of housing
benefit for either Social or Private Rented Housing which someone in specified/supported
accommodation may do a form (MGP1 (LA)) is automatically issued to the Local Authority to
advise them of the UC claim and to ask them to close down the Housing Benefit claim.
On receipt of the MGP1 (LA) the local authority would select the option to indicate that the
claimant is in specified/supported accommodation. In this case they would confirm that the
Housing Benefit claim has not been closed.
The Local Authority would then continue to pay Housing Benefit.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me quoting the reference number
Yours sincerely,
DWP Strategy FoI Team
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailin
g freedom-of-information-
xxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xxx.xx or by writing to DWP, Central FoI Team, Caxton House, Tothill Street, SW1H 9NA. Any
review request should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information
Commissioner’s Office for a decision. General y the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have
exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF