Ukraine project
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Under the FOI Act I am writing please to request a copy of a final project report for a research and communication campaign in Ukraine to win back control of Donetsk undertaken by Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) - this may not be a UK campaign but the report was shared with the MoD. I would appreciate seeing the report as well as any associated communications and a list of any meetings about this specific project and related outcomes or proposals, as well as people involved please (period of interest - 2014-15). I am very grateful for your assistance and time spent on this public interest inquiry.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached update on your Freedom of Information request of 21
August 2019 regarding a SCL report. I will be in touch again by 17 October
Kind regards,
DE&S Secretariat
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request of 21
August 2019 regarding a SCL report.
Kind regards,
DE&S Secretariat
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Defence's handling of my FOI request 'Ukraine project'.
Thank you for your reply and for looking into this request. You used the exemptions 'sections 26(3) (Defence) and 27(4) (International Relations)' and neither confirm or deny existence of the information. Given the massive public interest importance of this request, it is very wrong to issue such a blanket exemption. I would request and urge you review this and consider whether you can release some information in a redacted form please for the sake of transparency. Thank you for your time.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Thank you for your email. We will now conduct an internal review of your request for information, our reference FOI2019/09668.
The Department's target for completing internal reviews is 20 working days from date of receipt and we therefore aim to complete the review and respond to you by 23 October 2019. While we are working hard to achieve this, in the interests of providing you with a realistic indication of when you should expect a response, we should advise that the majority are currently taking between 20 and 40 working days to complete.
The review will involve a full, independent reconsideration of the handling of the case as well as the final decision.
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
Dear Dr Briant,
Please find attached a response to your recent request for internal
Yours sincerely,
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
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