UK vehicle overseas no insurance
Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency,
I wonder if you are able to help me. I am an expat living overseas with a UK vehicle. I have lived overseas for several years. My vehicle is taxed and tested in the UK. Earlier this year I cancelled my UK insurance as the car was taken off the road while I converted it to French plates.
A fine was sent to the UK address that I use, however was not given to me. Since that time I have received notice from the magistrates court with documentation to sign.
Does the UK law apply if the vehicle is overseas? Is there anything I can do about this? I have since got european insurance and now drive the vehicle in Europe.
Thanks for your help!
Yours faithfully,
Harriet Golding
Thank you for your email unfortunately this is not a request for recorded information, as this is a general enquiry I have forwarded your email to our Customer Relation team who will contact you directly. If you have any further enquiries please use following link: or call 0300 790 6801 for Driving Licence enquires or 0300 790 6802 for Vehicle enquires.
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