UEA payments
Dear Norfolk Police Authority,
According to information recently released to me under FOI, the University of East Anglia paid £10469.25 to yourselves in January or February 2010.
Could I please have copies of:
1. any related financial paperwork (invoices, contracts etc)
2. any related correspondence and/or emails.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford
I acknowledge receipt of your freedom of Information request below, but can advise that this has been transferred to the Freedom of Information Unit within Norfolk Constabulary for their attention, as the information you require is not held by Norfolk Police Authority.
Should you wish to contact them, please telephone 0845 456 4567 or email [email address]
Kind Regards
Claire Buckley
Freedom of Information Officer, Norfolk Police Authority
Direct Tel: 01953 424454
Website: www.norfolk-pa.gov.uk
Dear Mr Montford,
Our ref FOI 100/11/12
Please accept this email as confirmation that your request for information
has been passed to us from Norfolk Police Authority.
Your request will now be considered under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act (2000); a response to your request will be issued within
the statutory 20 working day period, the latest date by which we aim to
provide you with a reply will be the 30^th June 2011.
A full copy of the Freedom of Information legislation is available online
via the website of the Office of Public Sector Information:
Yours sincerely,
|Amanda Gibson |
|Freedom of Information Decision Maker |
| |
|Professional Standards Department |
|Norfolk Constabulary |
|OCC, Jubilee House, Falconer's Chase, |
|Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW. |
| |
|Tel: 01953 425699 ext 2803 Fax: 01953 423948 |
| |
|[2]www.norfolk.police.uk |
| |
|Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality |
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Dear Mr Montford,
Our Ref: FOI 100/11/12
Please find a PDF document attached in response to your request for
information from Norfolk Constabulary.
Yours sincerely,
|Amanda Gibson |
|Freedom of Information Decision Maker |
| |
|Professional Standards Department |
|Norfolk Constabulary |
|OCC, Jubilee House, Falconer's Chase, |
|Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW. |
| |
|Tel: 01953 425699 ext 2803 Fax: 01953 423948 |
| |
|[1]www.norfolk.police.uk |
| |
|Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality |
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Dear Freedom Of Information,
Your message is not responsive to my request. I have asked for a copy of the invoice. You say that I am in possession of the information already. I am not. I want to see a copy of the invoice, to which I am entitled under FOI.
Secondly, you have not provided copies of related correspondence and indeed have not even addressed this part of my request in your response.
Please provide the requested information. You may consider this a request for an internal review under the terms of the FOI Act.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford,
Our ref 77/11/12 – Internal Review
Please accept this email as confirmation that we have received your request that we conduct an internal review of our response your original Freedom of Information request.
The Constabulary will provide you with a response to your internal review request in as short a timescale as possible, taking account of the Information Commissioner Officers guidance within 20 working days or by the 20th of July 2011.
Yours sincerely,
Nina Bond
Freedom of Information Research and Decision Making Assistant
Norfolk Constabulary
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Tel: 01953 425699 ext 2804 Mob/Fax: 01953 424080
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
Think… is it really necessary to print this email?
Freedom Of Information would like to recall the message, "Internal review of Freedom of Information request - UEA payments".
Dear Mr Montford,
Our ref 100/11/12 – Internal Review
Please accept this email as confirmation that we have received your request that we conduct an internal review of our response your original Freedom of Information request.
The Constabulary will provide you with a response to your internal review request in as short a timescale as possible, taking account of the Information Commissioner Officers guidance within 20 working days or by the 20th of July 2011.
Yours sincerely,
Nina Bond
Freedom of Information Research and Decision Making Assistant
Norfolk Constabulary
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Tel: 01953 425699 ext 2804 Mob/Fax: 01953 424080
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
Think… is it really necessary to print this email?
Dear Mr Montford
Please see attached in response to your request for an internal review.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Mr Montford
Attached please find a revised response to Part 2 of your request following your request for an internal review. This concludes our response.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Dawn
Thank you for these disclosures. While this is responsive to many aspects of my request, there are a number of problems.
1. Redactions of dates and names of addressees. In many places all header information has been removed from the messages. There is no possible reason for redacting dates of messages and these should be disclosed. I understand the reasons for withholding email addresses, but surnames and domain name part of the email address should be disclosed to make the sense of the email clear.
2. s41 redactions. I have referred to the ICO's guidance on the s41 exemption
I am at a loss to understand how you think the information concerned meets the criteria set out in the guidance. In particular, the circumstances in question do not appear to meet the ICO's requirement that confidential information should have been provided with explicit conditions to that effect or in circumstances where confidentiality is obvious.
I would therefore like you to review this decision.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford
The reason some of the header information was missing was because of the format in which the emails had been saved. I have had the header detail manually typed in for your information. The excluded names are those of Qinetiq employees as they are not employees of a public authority covered by the Freedom of Information Act. In these emails I have included at the end of the email the Qinetiq web address to indicate that Qinetiq was part of the correspondence.
With regard to the use of S.41, the redacted information relates to correspondence between the UEA (a separate public authority to the Constabulary) and a private company for the purpose of negotiating work for payment and as such is not information about Norfolk Constabulary but is information about the other parties held by the Constabulary. Such negotiations, between any parties, would involve the exchange of confidential information of both parties. Norfolk Constabulary acted only as a conduit for the negotiations in order to ensure that the work did not impinge on the criminal investigation. Therefore, we have concluded that the information has the necessary quality of confidence in that it relates to a negotiation, and that the information was imparted in confidence as normally the two bodies would expect to conduct such negotiation in private but the existence of the criminal investigation made it appropriate for the Constabulary to maintain an overview. In addition, we consulted with both the UEA/Muir Russell contact and Qinetiq who expressed a view that the information should be redacted.
The above is provided as further explanation of the use of S.41. If you require a formal internal review please inform me.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Dawn
Thanks very much for doing this.
I am currently minded to appeal your decision re s41, but it may be possible for us to avoid this formality and I am therefore writing to ask for some clarification.
Could you please expand on what has been redacted from the emails, explaining the contents of each redaction. This information might mean that I would decide to proceed no further with this request.
Many thanks
Andrew Montford
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford
Further to your email below, I have made some annotations on the disclosed emails which I hope will be of assistance. The following paragraph from the response letter covering the emails explains what information has been exempted.
"Information about the volume of data, timescales, proposed costs, changes to requirements, revised costs forming the negotiation for the work between the Muir Russell Enquiry and Qinetiq"
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Dawn
Thank you very much for this.
You have marked some of the redactions as "not relevant" to my request. I tried to frame my original request as broadly as possible, but for the avoidance of doubt I would like you to disclose all this information.
Regarding the redaction of the work programme and costings, I assume this is where you are relying on the s41 exemption. I would like you to disclose this information as well, although I would have no objection to your redacting the financial figures in order to deal with any confidentiality concerns.
Many thanks,
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford,
In response to your email received by the Norfolk Constabulary on the
 17th of August 2011, Please accept this letter as confirmation that
your request will now be logged as an internal review, this is based on
the decision made under the reference number FOI 100/11/12. The review
will be with reference to your original request for information, which was
as follows:
According to information recently released to me under FOI, the
    University of East Anglia paid £10469.25 to yourselves
in January
    or February 2010.
     Could I please have copies of:
     1. any related financial paperwork (invoices,
contracts etc)
    2. any related correspondence and/or emails.
The review of the decision concerning your original request for
information will be conducted in accordance with the Norfolk
Constabulary's review procedure.Â
In accordance with Information Commisoners guidelines we will aim to
provide you with a response within 20 working days, however, if it becomes
apparent that the review will not be completed by September 15th 2011 you
will be advised and given an amended response date.
Yours Sincerely
|Nina Bond |
| |
|Freedom of Information Research and Decision Making Assistant |
|Norfolk Constabulary |
|Jubilee House |
|Falconers Chase |
|Wymondham |
|Norfolk |
|NR18 OWW |
|Tel: 01953 425699 ext 2804 [mobile number] |
| |
|P It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper! |
| |
| Think... is it really necessary to print this email? |
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Dear Nina,
Thanks for your message.
I would like to set down my detailed reasons for requesting a review. Could you clarify whether you are seeking to rely on the s41 exemption for all the remaining redactions?
Many thanks
Andrew Montford
Dear Mr Montford
I acknowledge receipt of your email below, addressed to Nina, which came in via the Police Authority mailbox ([Norfolk Police Authority request email]). I have today forwarded your email to Nina Bond of the Constabulary's Freedom of Information Unit ([email address]) for her attention/action.
Kind Regards
Claire Buckley
Office Manager, Norfolk Police Authority
Direct Tel: 01953 424454
Website: www.norfolk-pa.gov.uk
Dear Mr Montford
I have specified what information has been redacted from the disclosed emails under S.41. I note you have asked for the release of information redacted as 'not relevant to your request' and I have included this as part of your request for internal review as well as your challenge to the use of S.41.
The internal review has been referred for consideration; if you submit any further correspondence I will ensure this is passed to the reviewer. Could you please use the email address [email address] (i.e. the one all Constabulary correspondence on this matter has been sent from) to ensure any further correspondence is correctly routed.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Mr Montford
Attached please find our response to your request for an internal review in relation to this request.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 0845 456 4567 Fax: 01953 423698
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
Dear Mr Montford
Please see the attached letter in relation to your request to Norfolk
Constabulary, our ref FOI 100/11/12.
Dawn Clarke
T/Head of Information Management
Professional Standards Department
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 425699 Ext 2801 Fax: 01953 424080
Professionalism with Honesty, Integrity, Openness and Impartiality
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