Freedom of Information Team
Legal & Governance
Our ref: FOI/2324/364
University of Liverpool
Foundation Building
Name: Josephine Mortimer
765 Brownlow Hil
By email to:
L69 7ZX
18 April 2024
E xxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Dear Josephine,
A response to your request for information received on 10 April is provided below. The questions asked are
italics fol owed by our responses in
I would like to request the fol owing information for your Medicine A100 Undergraduate Course, for the UCAS
admissions cycles between 2021-2023 (inclusive).
1. What was the lowest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2021?
2. What was the highest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2021?
3. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be invited to interview, and if so, what was this
4. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be given an offer, and if so, what was this
1. What was the lowest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2022?
2. What was the highest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2022?
3. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be invited to interview, and if so, what was this
4. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be given an offer, and if so, what was this
1. What was the lowest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2023?
2. What was the highest UCAT score achieved by an overseas offer-holder in 2023?
3. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be invited to interview, and if so, what was this
4. Was there a UCAT threshold for international students to be given an offer, and if so, what was this
Entry year
Lowest UCAT score for offer
Highest UCAT score for offer
UCAT cut off score for interview
UCAT cut off score for offer
**2670 N/A *
*For 2021 entry the process was different from previous years. Applicants who met minimum academic
criteria were ranked using a combined point score derived from GCSE grades and UCAS scores. Applicants
with the highest combined scores were invited for an interview first.
**Most international applicants would have met the threshold, however, at times contextual information
can alter the threshold, an example of this would be a UCAT annotation. Anyone interviewed would be
eligible for an offer.
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you have a right under Section 50 of the
Freedom of Information Act to ask the University to review it. You must do so within 40 working days of the
date of this response. Your request should include our reference number and explain the reason for
requesting a review. Email xxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx or write to the Freedom of Information Reviewer, Legal &
Governance, University of Liverpool, Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX. We will
respond to your request for an internal review within 20 working days of receipt.
Following an internal review, if you are still dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a right to
appeal to the Information Commissioner. Information on how to do this is available at There is no charge for making an appeal.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Rothwell
Kirsty Rothwell
Freedom of Information Officer / Data Protection Co-ordinator