ucat score for dentistry BDS
Dear University of Dundee,
Please may you confirm in the last three years the number of applicants, the number of applicants invited to interview, the average ucat score, the lowest and highest ucat scores invited to interview and the lowest at score given an offer in an excel sheet if possible.Also do you look at situational judgement. Also, it is possible for low ucat to be compensated by high gcses?
Yours faithfully,
Miss Rashid
Thank you for your email. If your message contains a request for
information the University will respond no later than 20 working days from
its receipt (or one month from receipt in the case of requests for your
own personal information).
Kind regards,
Dr Richard Parsons
Director LLC & CI
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
Dear Sara
Many thanks for your email. The following is the data that you requested.
BDS Dentistry (A200)
Entry Interviews Lowest
Year Applications No. of Average Highest Lowest UCAT given
interviews UCAT UCAT UCAT an Offer
2018/9 429 276 2573* 3180* 2000* 2100*
2019/0 499 305 2525 3070 2040 2040
2020/1 519 303 2529 3060 2030 2060
2018/9 UCAT data excludes deferred applicants from 2017 as only three
elements of the UCAT were tested, rather than four, which would result in
misleading average/highest/lowest scores if included.
Please refer to the University website for details about the 2021/2
entry [1]https://www.dundee.ac.uk/guides/covid-19...
please treat this as an exemption under S17 as we do not hold the data you
require at present.
The University combines an Academic Score (based on certified and
predicted grades and contextual factors) and UCAT score. These scores were
weighted 60:40 Academic:UCAT for non-graduates and 40:60 Academic:UCAT for
graduates. We use the UCAT score by categorising the applicants in deciles
of UCAT performance. More information about the UCAT can be found
at [2]https://www.ucat.ac.uk/. We do not consider SJT in our assessment of
applications at any stage.
I hope that this helps and please get back if you have other questions.
Kind regards
Caroline Brown
FOI Team
From: Sara Rashid <[FOI #786213 email]>
Sent: 28 August 2021 23:02
To: FreedomOfInformation <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - ucat score for dentistry BDS
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the University of Dundee. Do
not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender's
email address and know the content is safe.
Dear University of Dundee,
Please may you confirm in the last three years the number of applicants,
the number of applicants invited to interview, the average ucat score, the
lowest and highest ucat scores invited to interview and the lowest at
score given an offer in an excel sheet if possible.Also do you look at
situational judgement. Also, it is possible for low ucat to be compensated
by high gcses?
Yours faithfully,
Miss Rashid
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #786213 email]
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The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
Visible links
1. https://www.dundee.ac.uk/guides/covid-19...
2. https://www.ucat.ac.uk/
3. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/change_re...
4. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/offi...
5. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/ico-...
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