Ubico costs

The request was partially successful.

Dear Stroud District Council,

Having read the latest budget monitoring report to Environment Committee, I was struck by the overspend reported on the Waste and Recycling contract with Ubico.

The report outlines an overspend, yet the Council provided a press release earlier in the financial year announcing savings

1. Were these savings achieved? If not, please provide an explanation as to why
2. What is the projected overspend in 2018/19 against the original contract sum for the year (i.e. the sum agreed at the start of the 2018/19 financial year)

There was also reference in the report to income streams. Given the incinerator was being built, it must have been obvious to the Council that the County Council would look to review its financial commitments on Waste and Recycling. The budget at Council in January 2019 did not make any reference to this.

3. When did the Council become aware of the County Council's intentions?
4. Did the Council undertake any financial modelling prior to this to ascertain the potential financial impact on its income streams?
5. Please provide extracts of the entires on the Council's risk register over the last 12 months period on the financial aspects of Waste and Recycling, showing the risk assessment, scores and reviews

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Keen

foi@stroud.gov.uk, Stroud District Council

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Stroud District Council

Dear Oliver

Ref No: 5133

Thank you for your email of 31^st March 2019 requesting information about
Ubico Costs.

Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within 20 working days.

If you have any queries about this request do not hesitate to contact me.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely



Lauren Holbrow

Business Support Officer

Community Services


Stroud District Council

Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf





Tel:              01453 754 276

Email:          [email address]

Website:    www.stroud.gov.uk


The information included in this e-mail is of a confidential nature and is
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any disclosure, copying or distribution by you is prohibited and may be
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Stroud District Council

Dear Oliver


Ref No: 5133


Subject: Letter providing all the information requested


Further to my email where you requested information about Ubico Costs.

The information you requested is below:

1. Yes


Please refer to Table 1 and paragraphs 8, 9 and 14 for the full detail.

3. Formally on 25th Feb 2019

4. No information held


 Plan Year: *


Risk Description: * WASTE MANAGEMENT: The loss of income from recycling
credits and the potential for increased costs of recyclate processing
linked to the incinerator and the MRF contract.

Risk scores

At 19/11/18

Actual 16/16

Target 9/16

Risk Category:


Scope of Risk: With the introduction of the incinerator plant at Javelin
Park there is a risk that recycling credits and other associated payment
from Gloucestershire County Council may significantly reduce. Currently
the Council receives recycling credits from the County Council in the year
17/18 this amounted to - £677,715. For the 1st qtr of 18/19 the payment
was £164,325.66. Based on this data, using the average, the annual credit
could be £657,302.64.

The Tipping Away Payment could also be affected due to the introduction of
the incinerator at Javelin Park. In the year 17/18 the payment the council
received was £56,119 and for the year 18/19 it was £28,060. In addition
there is the

Incentive Payment based in the amount that the Council recycles for 17/18
the payment was £381,471, for 18/19 this payment will depend on the amount
recycled and the agreed payment from the County Council.

The costs of the MRF contract may also change subject to the review on a
six monthly basis of the value of the recyclates and also the cost of the
gate fee. 

Risk Treatment & Control Mechanisms: Close liaison with the County Council
to determine the best value of payment for the Council as soon as possible
in order to be able to plan for an financial implications. For the MRF
contract continuing education for residents with regards to recycling will
ensure the best possible value for the end product with our contractor. 

Potential Action for Improvement: Continuing negotiation

Resident education on recycling

Look at other possible recycling containers

Look at other methods of collection in line with the re letting of the MRF
contract at the end of this term (July 2020) 


19/11/2018 No change to risk evaluation. Officers met with the Head of the
Gloucestershire Waste Partnership in October to discuss future financial
provision. Although there was an acknowledgement that the financial
mechanisms will be reviewed, there is no definitive news. Any future
change to the food waste incentive payment we receive will be subject to a
12 month notice period. Due to Javelin Park coming online in 19/20, the
tipping away payments will cease. This is a reduction of £26k on 18/19 and
has been taken in to account for budget setting.

07/01/2019 As per the review on the 19/11/18 there has not been any
change, apart from the Head of Waste management at the County giving an
indication that it is now on his work plan to review. Timescales still
very vague.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of this email and should be
addressed to me. The review request will then be referred to the Legal
Services Manager for consideration.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,




Lauren Holbrow

Business Support Officer

Community Services


Stroud District Council

Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf





Tel:              01453 754 276

Website:    www.stroud.gov.uk


The information included in this e-mail is of a confidential nature and is
intended only for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee,
any disclosure, copying or distribution by you is prohibited and may be
unlawful. Disclosure to any party other than the addressee, whether
inadvertent or otherwise is not intended to waive privilege or