TV Licensing Visiting Procedures
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
Please provide a copy of the latest "TV Licensing Visiting Procedures" document or its successor document provided to Capita Visiting Officers.
If you redact any sections under the FoI Act please mark each section with the section of the Act used to justify the redaction.
Yours faithfully,
Alex Jones
Dear Alex Jones,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 01 March 2022. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.
The reference number for your request is RFI20220387.
Kind regards,
Information Rights
BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [email address]
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your request to the BBC of 01 March 2022 under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’) seeking the following information.
“Please provide a copy of the latest "TV Licensing Visiting Procedures"
document or its successor document provided to Capita Visiting Officers.
If you redact any sections under the FoI Act please mark each section with
the section of the Act used to justify the redaction.”
The BBC confirms that it does hold information of the type described in
these parts of your request. However, when a qualified exemption applies
to the information and the public interest test is engaged, section 10 of
the Act allows the time for a response to be longer than 20 working days.
A full response must be provided within such time as it reasonable in all
circumstances of the case.
We consider that the following exemptions apply to the information you
have requested:
o Section 31 – Law enforcement
o Section 38 – Health and safety
We now need further time in which to consider the public interest in
disclosing the information. In your case we have not yet reached a
decision on where the balance of the public interest lies.
Appeal Rights
You may request an internal review of our decision to extend the time
period for handling your request, by contacting us at the address above.
If you are not satisfied with the internal review, you can appeal to the
Information Commissioner. The contact details are: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF, telephone 01625 545 700 or see [1]
Yours sincerely
Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
Visible links
Dear Alex Jones,
Please find attached our response to your request for information,
reference RFI20220387. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay
in responding to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
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