TSA Scores Across Courses

The request was successful.

Dear University of Oxford,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following information for candidates applying for 2016 entry / 2017 deferred entry:

The maximum, minimum, deciles, quartiles and mean scores in TSA Section 1 (Critical Thinking), TSA Section 1 (Problem Solving), TSA Section 1 (Total) and TSA Section 2 (Essay) for all courses that use the TSA in admissions (including but not limited to PPE, PPL, E&M, EP etc.) listed separately for each course and each (sub-)section.

Taking mean as an example:
Mean in TSA Section 1 (Total)
PPE: x
PPL: y
Mean in TSA Section 2 (Essay)
PPE: a
PPL: b
and so on for all statistics.

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Thomas

UAS Foi, University of Oxford

Thank you for your request, which is now being processed. You will receive a response by the statutory deadline of 6th December.

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UAS Foi, University of Oxford

Our student data team would like some clarification of your request
regarding quartiles and deciles please.   Their initial assumption is to
provide the score at the quartile/decile boundary (e.g. the score at 25%,
or 10% etc. etc.).   Could you either confirm that this is what you want,
or describe the information you are requesting if it differs from this
assumption.    Please note that we are not able to continue processing
your request until this clarification has been received.


FOI Oxford



Dear UAS Foi,

Yes, the score at the quartile / decile boundary is what I am requesting.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Thomas

UAS Foi, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

The response to your request is attached.

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Dear UAS Foi,

Thank you for your reply. Further to my previous request, I would also like to request the same information for the TSA scores of shortlisted and successful applicants of these courses listed separately. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Thomas

UAS Foi, University of Oxford

Thank you for your request, which is now being processed. You will receive a response by the statutory deadline of 10th January.

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UAS Foi, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

The response to your request is attached.

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