We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr Manning please sign in and let everyone know.

Trust funding of Closed Loop System for Type 1 Diabetes

Mr Manning made this Freedom of Information request to Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Mr Manning to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

Can you please advise on following

1. How many type 1 diabetic patients have closed loop systems funded ( including approved but not yet received ) by the Trust. How many funded patients are under age of 18 ( minor) and 18 and over ( adult)

2. What is the policy or guidance adopted by the Trust funding in relation to (1) above. Please provide copy

3. Is the policy applied consistently across all Trusts in NI.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Mr Manning

Governance, Info, Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

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Our ref: FOI/1573


By Email: [FOI #1067558 email]

Dear Mr Manning




Thank you for your request for information received by us today,
requesting information about FOI/1573.

Your request is being dealt with under freedom of information requirements
and will be answered within 20 working days.

In the interim should you have any queries about your request, please do
not hesitate to reply to this email, quoting the above reference number. 
Alternatively, you can contact the department in the following ways:

Information Governance Department

Causeway House, 8E Coleraine Road


BT53 6BP

Tel: 028 2766 1293

Yours sincerely,




Should you wish to reply to this email, please be careful not to amend the
information in the ‘subject’ field. This will ensure that the information
is added directly to your case. However, please be aware that this is an
automated process; the information will not be read by a member of our
staff until your case is allocated to a request handler.




Your request for information

I am writing to apologise for the delay in responding to your request for

Please be assured that the Trust are endeavouring to respond to your
request as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely



Dear Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

It is regrettable and unacceptable that you have not responded within timeframe as requested to what is a simple question that the answers will be well known and I having carried out research and investigation require an official response to my questions as I believe there are issues that I will need to further query when I receive your response if inconsistencies with my research to date

This is urgent please respond

Yours faithfully,

Mr Manning


2 Attachments




Our ref: FOI/1573


By Email: [FOI #1067558 email]


Dear Mr Manning


Thank you for your request for information.  Please find attached the
Trust's response.  

Trust decisions in relation to the release of information that the Trust
holds are governed by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, the Data
Protection Act (DPA)/GDPR 2018 and other pieces of associated legislation.

I trust that the attached information satisfies your request, however,
should you have any questions about the handling of your information
request or need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reply to
this email or contact us using one of the contact methods outlined below
quoting the above reference number.

Information Governance Department

Causeway House, 8E Coleraine Road


BT53 6BP

Tel: 028 2766 1293


Should you wish to reply to this email, please be careful not to amend the
information in the ‘subject’ field. This will ensure that the information
is added directly to your case. However, please be aware that this is an
automated process; the information will not be read by a member of our
staff until your case is allocated to a request handler.

Yours sincerely,





Enc. FOI1573


We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr Manning please sign in and let everyone know.