Tree Preservation Orders Digital Format
Dear Birmingham City Council,
Is the council's set of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) indexed in digital form?
If so, please may I have a copy of all the data relating to TPOs from any databases you hold regarding them. One or more CSV exports would be ideal.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Wilde
Dear Mr Wilde,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 17091
Thank you for your request for information held by the Council under the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which was received on
This has been referred to the relevant service area to identify, locate
and retrieve the information that we hold.
I would point out that under the Freedom of Information and Data
Protection Act (Appropriate Limits and Fees) Regulations 2004, a local
authority, such as Birmingham City Council, is obliged to respond to
requests for information where the request or related requests can be
complied with within 18 hours of officer time.
If we consider it would take over 18 hours to handle your request we will
let you know. In some cases it may be that the information could be
provided if a fee is paid for the work to be undertaken. We would then
issue a fees notice which would need to be paid before the request was
handled. For other requests, it may be possible to offer guidance as to
how the request might be re-scoped to enable information to be provided
within the 18 hours appropriate limit.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact
us via email or on 0121 675 2326 or 675 7508 quoting the reference number
above in any future communications.
Stuart Rimington
Professional Support Officer
Governance and Compliance
Performance and Support Services
The Place Directorate
P/O Box 2122
3^rd Floor Council House Extension
6 Margaret Street
B3 3BU
303 4596
Dear Mr Wilde
Please find attached a response to you recent request for information and
please do let me know if I can assist further.
Kind Regards
Julie Jackson
Principal Business Improvement Officer
Business Improvement Team
Contact me:
Email: [email address]
Post: Planning and Regeneration, PO Box 28, Birmingham, B1 1TU
Visit: 1 Lancaster Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, B4 7DJ
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Birmingham City Council | We put citizens first | We are true to our word
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Dear Julie Jackson,
Thank you for your email, I'm afraid I didn't receive the attachment.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Wilde
Dear Mr Wilde
Sincere apologies for the oversight.
Here is the attachment and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards
Dear Julie
No worries, I do it all the time! Thank you for your swift reply, it is great to see you have the TPOs mapped, the GIS data used to map them is exactly what I am looking for. Could I please get this GIS data either in a shapefile or longitude and latitude if you hold it please.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Wilde
Dear Mr Wilde
I have spoken with our GIS team and they will contact your directly regarding GIS data in a shapefile or longitude and latitude information.
If you do require anything further please do let me know.
Kind Regards
Dear Mr Wilde
Please find attached the shapefile as requested and please do let me know if you require anything further.
Kind Regards
Dear Julie Jackson,
That is wonderful. Thank you for your swift reply and help with this, it is greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Wilde
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