Travel policy and travel expenses

The request was successful.

Dear Medical Research Council,

I would appreciate if you can provide a copy of your travel policy. Additionally I would appreciate if you can provide the total amount of travel expenses incurred by employees during the past 3 calendar years. A total amount is sufficient but if you are able to break this down by travel type (e.g. road, rail, flight) that would be helpful.

Yours faithfully,

James Halinson

Dear Mr Halinson,

MRC Reference FOI 2014-049

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. We will investigate
what information is available and respond in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Rosa Parker

Rosa Parker

Corporate Information and Policy

Medical Research Council

14th Floor

One Kemble Street

London WC2B 4AN

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2 Attachments

Dear Mr Halinson

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of 02/09/2014 in which you asked:

I would appreciate if you can provide a copy of your travel policy. Additionally I would appreciate if you can provide the total amount of travel expenses incurred by employees during the past 3 calendar years. A total amount is sufficient but if you are able to break this down by travel type (e.g. road, rail, flight) that would be helpful.

About the Medical Research Council
The MRC is a publically funded organisation dedicated to improving human health through world-class medical research. We support research across the entire spectrum of medical sciences, from fundamental laboratory-based science to clinical trials, and in all major disease areas, in universities and hospitals, in our own units and institutes in the UK, and in our units in Africa. The MRC employs over 4,000 staff (including locally-employed staff overseas) in our nine intramural research units and three institutes across the UK, in our two intramural research units in The Gambia and Uganda, and in our Head Office locations (we operate a dual site Head Office based in London and Swindon).

Please find attached a copy of the MRC Travel, Subsistence, Hospitality and Expenses Policy and a spreadsheet with a breakdown of travel expenses as requested.

I hope that you find this response to be helpful and if you have any queries please do let me know.

If you are not satisfied that this response has been handled appropriately; you may appeal using the MRC's complaints procedure. Details are on the MRC website at:
You may contact the MRC Complaints Officer at:

The Complaints Officer,
Medical Research Council,
14th Floor, One Kemble Street.
email: [email address]

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 0303 123 1113.

There is no charge for making an appeal.

Yours sincerely

Rosa Parker
Corporate Information and Policy

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