Transfer to RAMC

The request was successful.

Dear British Army,

Can you please provide me with copies of any policies/DINs relevant to applying to transfer in to the RAMC

Can you please advise for the years 2016,2017,2018,2019 & 2020

How many applications for transfer were received by rank for the CMT CEG
How many of those applications were successful

Yours faithfully,

Sam Kelly

Dear British Army,

Are you able to advise when a response to this request might be available? I am understanding of the fact that time has been lost to bank holidays.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Kelly

Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER), British Army

Dear Sam Kelly,


Thank you for enquiring about the status of your recent FOI request.


Sincere apologies for the delay in getting the information to you. The
Christmas break has complicated collating some of the information. I am
awaiting one final input for your request and will aim to get the response
to you as soon as practicably possible, hopefully by next week at the


Kind regards,


Workforce (Ops & Training)

| Army Policy & Secretariat | Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim
Building | Marlborough Lines | ANDOVER | SP11 8HJ 

Email: [1][email address]




show quoted sections

Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER), British Army

4 Attachments

Dear Sam Kelly,


Please see the attached documents in reference to your recent Freedom of
Information request. I suggest first reading the response letter so that
the other attachments make total sense. Thank you for your patience and
understanding with the delay in the response.


Kind regards,


Workforce (Ops & Training)

| Army Policy & Secretariat | Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim
Building | Marlborough Lines | ANDOVER | SP11 8HJ 

Email: [1][email address]




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1. mailto:[email address]