Training provisions for Academic Integrity
Dear University of Winchester,
With colleagues, I am carrying out research into the academic misconduct / integrity support provision of higher education institutions. Please respond to the following questions about your provision for students.
1). In the academic year 2022-2023:
A) How many students (institution wide) were enrolled at your institution?
B) How many academic misconduct referrals were there? (Where it is known that a student had more than one referral, please count them only once).
C) How many academic misconduct cases were substantiated? (Where it is known that a student had more than one offence, please count them only once).
2). In terms of your centralised academic success/learning enhancement services (available to all students at your institution):
Which of these descriptions best match your provision?
A) A service which is embedded within other student support services (such as international student support and disability services or ‘one-stop shop’).
B) Stand-alone provision, separate from other student support services.
C) Another method. Please specify.
3). Regarding your academic integrity / misconduct support and training for students:
Is this offered
A) In pre-arrival information?
B) During course induction following arrival?
C) Provided by individual programmes of study? If yes, approximately when do these take place in the academic year?
D) Only to students who have had an academic misconduct case proven / substantiated?
Please indicate all that apply.
4). Is there specialist academic integrity / misconduct support provided for:
A) Students completing longer form academic assignments (e.g. Final Year dissertations and extended projects)?
B) Students with a declared disability?
C) Students studying in English as an additional language?
D) International students?
Please indicate all that apply.
5). In the academic year 2022—23, how many group level academic integrity training sessions were available?
6). Is service evaluation data recorded on how many 1-1 support sessions given to students relate to issues of academic misconduct / integrity?
7). About your institution’s use of Turnitin.
A) Is Turnitin used as a pedagogical tool as part of academic integrity / misconduct training for students?
B) Do students have access to Turnitin similarity reports before final submission of work?
8). Please provide us with any examples of best practice or relevant information you would like to share on the delivery of academic misconduct / integrity support for your students.
Yours faithfully,
Rob Keasley
Dear Rob,
Please find attached the University of Winchester's response to your request from Monday 13th May.
Stephen Dowell
Data Protection and Compliance Officer
University of Winchester
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